Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Marcy Advises Dave On Sports Prayers

Marcythewhore wrote: This guy Dave, he posted a sports prayer. Dave had this to say about a good sports prayer.......

Dave Wrote: A bit more reasonable (or at least less arrogant) an application of prayer to professoinal sports can be found:
God, let me play well but fairly.Let competition make me strong but never hostile.Forbid me to rejoice in the adversity of others.See me not when I am cheered, but when I bend to help my opponent up.If I know victory, allow me to be happy;if I am denied, keep me from envy.Remind me that sports are just games.Help me to learn something that matters once the game is over.And if through athletics I set an example, let it be a good one.

Marcythe whore advises Dave: That's pretty arrogant to say you can pray without arrogance. Prayer is, by its very nature, an act of arrogance. It's about 'ME' and 'MY' personal God. You know, God who is also MY chauffeur. Allow me to amend this sports prayer to (in parenthesis) say what you really mean.....marcythewhore

God, let me play well but fairly (Until I can find a way to win any way possible without getting fined by the league office).Let competition make me strong but never hostile (I've been pumping iron and putting on muscular weight so that I can hurt my bet make me stronger than him)

Forbid me to rejoice in the adversity of others (cause the freaking league office will fine me forty thousand if I do another pantomime of making a cellular call in the end zone).

See me not when I am cheered, but when I bend to help my opponent up. (Remember that when I'm helping my opponent up I am also whispering into his ear that I banged his to get to them psychologically too).

If I know victory, allow me to be happy; if I am denied, keep me from envy.(Envy means I'm losing. Yeah, don't let me feel that.)

Remind me that sports are just games.(Until you start losing and you can't get a decent contract for next season.)

Help me to learn something that matters once the game is over.(If I win, I get a big contract. If I lose, I get cut from the team.)

And if through athletics I set an example, let it be a good one.(I can set a better example being a rich athlete with a hefty contract than being an athlete without a job that no one will listen to anyway)., get real with prayer....marcythewhore


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