Saturday, February 05, 2005

Byron 'Whizzer' White

No, I'm not talking about Eminem's alter ego. Byron 'Whizzer' White was the highest paid white football player of his time (there weren't any black football players back then...hell, there weren't even any black baseball players....hell over again, there weren't even any black basketball players back then).

Byron 'Whizzer' White was a white rap star in the ancient NFL every time he just said his name. Though they didn't call it rap back then. Back then it was just blues or something black musicians made up while high on weed. Apparently Byron never used weed cause he was nominated to the Supreme Court. And he apparently never starred in any Long Dong Silver porno films either. But we con't go deeply into matters of the Supreme Court right now.

And if anyone can tell me the first white musician besides the Beatles to use weed, let me know. I'll put that sucker into Marcy's Hall of Fame for White Football players on principle alone.

Let's get back to Ronnie Reagan's Super Bowl Birthday, and how I know who is watching and who is playing. It's white football players who will be coming to Marcy's Massage Parlor Super Bowl Party this Ronnie Reagan's Super Bowl Birthday. They'll be coming with remote controls and short attention spans. So short they aren't sure whether they've had a happy ending or not (I'll probably just tell them they did and charge them for double).

I admit that this Sunday is also Bob Marley's birthday. Rumor has it that the Greatest White Beatle ever, Paul McCartney, will do a reggae tune at half time. You can bet there won't be a lot of tits and ass this half time go round. There won't even be a commercial worth watching. They even pulled that commercial about Priests. The one where the Priest desired a new Ford pickup truck. It's not good taste to portray Priests having any desire for anything, anymore.

The spread (pardon the sacriligeous pun) is seven, the white quarterback against the black quarterback. Can we trust the power structure to boost the spread to eight or nine before game time?.......marcythewhore


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