Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Satan Exposure Act

Big Buck in Iowa asks: Dear Marcythewhore, do you believe in God you heathen harlot you?

Marcy advises Big Buck: Anyway, back in 1969 congress passed the Extra Terrestrial Exposure Law.

You don't have to take my word for it, look it up for yourself.

We were (figuratively speaking as Americans en masse) getting ready to walk on the moon. Congress got this idea that Neil Armstrong and crew might find living breathing things on the moon. If these living breathing things came to earth, all chaos could erupt if everyday people began cavorting with ETs.

We can't have that happening in our control silly environment, can we?

So congress passed the ET Exposure Act which states that you can go to prison if you make contact with an ET.

Now, nobody is quite sure if this silly law has ever been used. Because to use the law to arrest someone for stalking or talking to an Et entails the arresting officer admitting that they know of an ET in the vicinity.

Something like a Catch-22...or trying to define someone's version of God.

Supposedly this 1969 congressional law has been repealed, or simply buried somewhere because nobody on Capitol Hill will admit they've had anything to do with this.

I mean, an airline pilot could see a flying saucer land on the wing of his 747 in flight and that pilot wouldn't admit to seeing a UFO for fear of losing his job forever and a day. Congress people can get voted out of office if they start talking too much about ETs.

Then there was the space shuttle disaster over Texas a while ago. People supposedly were arrested for picking up debris from the shuttle remains plummeting to earth.

They violated the ET Exposure Act that no one will admit even exists as law.

Widows and wondering what became of their husbands who had picked up space debris and disappeared.

Someone jokingly said in the halls of congress, "Next we'll be passing a "God Exposure Act" of some fashion.

Or a "Satan Exposure Act."

Nobody in congress laughed.

In fact, a lot of congress people looked at each other nervously.

You don't think they already did that and won't admit to it, do you?.........marcythewhore


Blogger jollybeggar said...

well, if they ever pass the s.e.a. then michael moore will be the first one against the wall for his work on 'fahrenheit9-11'...

for the record, i still avoid jack nicholson on the street when i see him, lest he choose to expose himself and be taken away... i can't afford the time it would take to attend the inquiry that might result from simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

March 18, 2005 at 8:49 AM  

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