Friday, February 25, 2005

A Free Massage for the Pope and Terry Schiavo:

Marcy (me) is offering a free massage to Pope John Paul II and Terry Schiavo. Chances are great that the phalanx of cardinals and Swiss guards surrounding the Pope won’t let a prostitute like me near the Pope’s hospital bed. And Terry Schiavo has been all but dead for the past fifteen years, I wonder if she could actually respond to a massage.

It’s official in the Vatican that if Pope John Paul goes belly up brain dead like Terry Schiavo that the Pope is to be fed baby food through a tube to keep him looking as though he is still somewhat alive. Like Terry Schiavo is supposed to be looking, well, somewhat alive after being cataleptic for a decade and a half.

A little medical update on catalepsy: Catalepsy in 4th stage sleep with REM causes the sleeper to want to awaken, because their dreams are so awful, and they can't move, can't even shout.

I imagine that if Terry Schiavo dreams, she is dreaming about a Big Mac. I mean, seriously, after fifteen years of baby food through a tube into her stomach, who wouldn’t want a Big Mac. Or a pizza. Or to just stop having nightmares about suffering.

As for Pope John Paul, should he go the same route as Terry Schiavo and be kept breathing by machines, that means Pope John Paul would continue to be the Holy See, the Holy Head of a billion Catholics around the world. Well, heck, President George Bush has been all but brain dead for five years and that hasn’t stopped Dick Cheney from running the government. So I suppose Pope John Paul could continue vicariously blessing things through the cardinals and Swiss guards.

John Paul says that he wants to be kept pumped up by machines while brain dead because suffering is what Jesus did so well. Like there isn’t enough suffering in the world, to be a good Pontiff or catholic it is good for your soul to seek even more severe ways of suffering.

Yes, with all this suffering the Pope wants to do, I don’t suppose a massage and Happy Ending would be in order for the Pontiff.

And Terry Schiavo has long since been waaaaaaayyyyy beyond feeling the need for a massage and happy ending…………..marcythewhore

Previous Posts
· A Man's Average Size
· Marcy's Tribute to Women Who Have Kicked Ass....
· The whore as Varga pin-up girl........
· Bill Maher, Christian Crazies and the Slander of Women…oh, yeah, and a whore in the White House:
· Get to know your clitoris better
· The Truth About Ann Landers
· Fuck Everything Blog...a massage parlor owner can relate
· Figuring out why Hunter Thompson used a shotgun....
· Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets it for herself through her middle finger….we should all be so fortunate
· Gregory Hemingway dies...Hunter would appreciate the irony

· February 2005


Blogger jollybeggar said...

hey marcy
is this post because i mentioned "painful rubbing?" in my most recent entry, or are we once again trapped in coincidence? LOL

nice to hear from you

"the painful rubbing comes when members of any one denomination or faction become exclusive, prescribing for others how a relationship with God is to be maintained. the personal element dissolves and you end up with something corporate rather than congregative. it seems like we've all been hurt by this somewhere along our faith journey, and because of this we build ethnocentric walls around our own camp, deeming IT the true faith. round and round we go."

February 25, 2005 at 10:10 AM  
Blogger marcythewhore said...

What a pleasant coincidence. Then, again, who can explain synchronicity. Inspiration, like molecules, just goes everywhere and everywhere. One good rub deserves another. Keep in touch, JB....marcy

February 25, 2005 at 10:22 AM  

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