Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets it for herself through her middle finger….we should all be so fortunate

I sent Lola my advice column address number. Maybe I should have sent her the address to one of my massage parlors.

Lola wrote back thanking me for sending my blog address. She added that she didn’t know why I sent it to her.

I sent it to her because I was interested in her description of masturbation. And I am a prostitute who owns a chain of massage parlors in Chicago. Why wouldn’t I be interested in various forms of Happy Endings.

At any rate, Lola, I happened upon your blog spot by synchronistic means. It just happened. Maybe there’s a purpose to the things that happen to us in life. Maybe there’s not. I hoped to share your personal thoughts on masturbation with some friends and customers who are kind of interested.

I mean, that’s why you’re telling the world about your fantasies on a blog, isn’t it…….marcythewhore


Loss Of Desire (Or Lola Can't Masturbate)
I have not masturbated since January 27, 2005. No, I do not keep a masturbation calendar or anything. I just know. Trust me, I have my ways.I've never been one to get too caught up in masturbation.

I'm not denying that I do it. I'm not one of THOSE girls. I just prefer someone to do it for me. The orgasm feels so much better when someone else is involved. I know you agree with me. My point is, I've just never been too concerned with it.

I might masturbate once a week or once a month or several times a day. I masturbate when the mood hits me. Or sometimes when I am asked to.Somewhere around the beginning of January the mood hit me. I was masturbating all the time. Several times a day sometimes.

For most of the month of January I was turned on all the time. I was like a bitch in heat. Really. I thought dirty thoughts at work, at home, at the grocery store, and just about every where else you can imagine.

The last night I masturbated I came three times. The next day something happened and I haven't masturbated since. At first, I just didn't feel like it. Now I just don't want to. That's not entirely true. I've thought about it a couple of times and I can't even get myself excited enough to even attempt it. I think there may be something seriously wrong with me. I think I may have lost my desire for pleasuring myself


Blogger Lola said...

I am not posting my fantasies for the world to see. I do keep some things private, not much, but some things.

I do not believe you were interested in my description of masturbation since no where in my post do I describe exactly how I pleasure myself. My post is about NOT achieving a Happy Ending.

I also do not need the address to your massage parlor. As you so nicely put it "whatever Lola wants, Lola gets for herself" so when I am once again ready for a Happy Ending I will do it myself but thanks for thinking of me.

February 22, 2005 at 12:19 PM  
Blogger marcythewhore said...

I will think of you often, for a while.

What I did find intriguing about your description of self-satisfaction is that you didn't seem to be seeking satisfaction. Not one way or the other.

Yes, it was mechanical. I understand that sentiment. Mechanics, it's the reason vibrators are so popular. And then some. Possibly there are those of us who are intrigued with the mechanics of life and all that......marcythewhore

February 22, 2005 at 2:05 PM  
Blogger Lola said...

Don't get me wrong, I love to be satisfied. Usually though I prefer to have a man do the work for me. It's just better that way.

I have just lost my desire to pleasure myself. I wish I could get it back.

If you read some of my past posts you will see that i too am intrigued with the mechanics of life.

February 22, 2005 at 3:51 PM  
Blogger marcythewhore said...

The secret to pleasuring yourself is not to have a man around to do the work for you.

I see so many steroid filled customers come into my massage parlors with all sorts of adrenaline pumping, and then they want to sit...ah....lay back to let one of my gals do the work for them. These customers wonder why they are so conflicted.

It's been my experience that men who frequent my massage parlors three or more times a week tend to lose their imaginative qualities. Without imagination there's not much fantasy, is there?

Well, dear, for as long as you have some man who is willing to do the work for you, take advantage. By the by, out of curiosity, how do you find so many submissive men?

I will get to reading your past posts as time permits. And I'll comment here and there if it does any good.

At the same time, enjoy Marcy's (me) Advice Column.....marcythewhore

PS...check out today's early post on getting to know your clitoris better.

February 23, 2005 at 7:20 AM  

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