Thursday, March 24, 2005

Terry Schiavo To Be Cryogenically Sealed in With Walt Disney

A Canadian in Florida asks: Dear Marcy, what is going to happen to this Terry Schivao person? Canadian in Florida

Marcy advises the White Skinned Person With a Bad Sunburn: To me, Florida Governor Jeb Bush is sexy for his brains. Some men have muscles and nice body tone. I know all about that because I own a chain of massage parlors. Jeb has really good and sexy brains.

Jeb obviously stayed up all night to come up with a plan to do something with Terry Schiavo.

Since Terry has been dead and kept breathing by geegaws and other machines for fifteen years just a few hours drive from Orlando, Jeb Bush has decided that it would be good to join Terry with Walt Disney in sub-zero containment in a stainless steel vault.

Now, if the mom and pop duo (who are signing lucrative book and television deals for the story of their long dead daughter whose brain stem is the consistency of Gator Ade) can get the Supreme Court to reconsider about this cryogenic proposal………oh, come on, who are we kidding. Nobody can afford for Terry Schiavo to die now! Not while the book deal is in pre-publication discussions.

And what about the Disney Studio’s plan to make a G-Rated made for television movie about the entire ordeal starting with when Terry Schiavo died fifteen years ago (except who is going to explain why somebody didn’t bring the poor girl to Walt Disney’s frozen crypt long before this date?).

What is with this mysterious Doctor X that Governor Jeb Bush says will testify against all the doctors who ever looked at Terry Schiavo, whoever Doctor X is? Yep, Doctor X is willing to testify that a whole medical school full of doctors have lied and lied and lied for fifteen years as they purposely misdiagnosed Terry Schiavo (to hell with the malpractice lawsuits, let’s all tell lies upon lies).

Right! When was the last time a doctor ever testified against another doctor?

Like maybe the case where the guy had the wrong leg amputated during surgery cause the surgeon could tell right from left, and the one-legged guy’s family went looking for a second surgeon who’d testify against the first surgeon?

Sure, happens all the time in modern American medicine.

But Marcy (me) is going to make a prediction as to what will become of Terry Schiavo. Just like Larry King intimated, there will be a miracle at work. The tooth fairy will deliver Gator Ade to keep Terry alive while negotiations are being conducted with Stephen King to write a really long book on this story about Zombies whose hearts are kept pumping by machines that usually clean swimming pools………marcythewhore


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