Friday, August 12, 2005

A Heartfelt Fare-Thee-Well From Erica

marcythewhore says: Marcy (me) has been spending a lot of time in Aruba looking for missing young girls who enjoy doing drugs and having sex with missing young boys. So Marcy (me) hasn't been posting much. But I got this sad farewell from Erica. She has given up the posting of the details of her rather pornographic life. It was so poignant and Oprah-ish that I have to share it with all my friends............marcythewhore

From Erica:

So here’s the deal.

I think it’s time for me to bid you all adieu.

I’ve spent about a year (on and off) sharing the most intimate details of my sex life with strangers. It’s been great getting honest feedback about my writing, my potential psychosis, and stirring the pot, challenging people to think about a sex positive active female as something other than a slut.Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t.My personal revolution is nearing its end. I’m tired of dishing details.And, as a parting, final note –I think I’ve found my hearts and stars. I’m dating a wonderful man who is so like me in so many ways. He makes me swoon. We’re inseparable. And since the first moment we met, both of us have been absolutely astounded at how different, and how much better this relationship is than anything that has ever come before. We have to assure eachother every day – “maybe this IS just how it is supposed to be.”

Last night we had a great talk. While we cuddled on the couch, he brought up the fact that the night before, I had haphazardly thrown into conversation an explicit detail about my past sexual exploits. It bothered him.He says that the past is the past, and although your past affects who you are today and how you got here, there is nothing to be gained by dishing secrets. He also feels that what goes on in the bedroom between two people should stay there.Out of respect for the man I am well on my way to falling in love with, I’m taking the details down. I think it’s healthy and right. Archives will be gone as soon as i technically figure out how to do that.

Thanks for reading, guys.


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