Saturday, February 05, 2005

Marcy Gives Advice About Hospice on Super Bowl Sunday

bigbro wrote:
Dear Marcy, I got a problem and everyone knows you to be the one true pro for giving advice for how to conduct one's self on Super Bowl Sunday.

Allow me to elaborate. The problem is with Tony and his family. Tony and his family are from Boston. They are all here in Florida for the game. The problem is that Tony went into the hospital last week. He's 86 years old. Tony came home yesterday. They set up hospice in his house.

The Super Bowl game is tomorrow. I'm invited to the Super Bowl party.

All his daughters and grandchildren are down from Boston, at the Florida house, for a Super Bowl party. The doctors say that it is any day now. In fact, it's any hour now.

Here's what I need to know: Is it okay to wager on whether Tony will die during the game? If so, do we wager on which quarter Tony dies in? And maybe not as important, but if Tony does die during the game, say at the beginning of the fourth quarter, and the game is real close, do we wait until everyone has sobered up before calling the coroner after the game? .....bigbro aka fred call

marcythewhore replies:

Dear Bigbro, not only is it considered smart to sober up before reporting Tony's death to the coroner and the cops. It's probably legal to do so in the State of Florida....marcythewhore


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