Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Marcy’s Massage Parlor Therapy: Biblical Viagra

Marcy’s Massage Parlor Therapy: Biblical Viagra

Marcy says: Greetings Massage Parlor students, I’m back after a hiatus of traveling around the world in search of exotic sexual references. All to answer your many questions about sex around the world. Let’s start with something Ms. Susie Bright has written:

Susie Bright writes: “Have you seen the recent Business news-story about Viagra taking a dive?”

Well, Ms. Susie Bright might be right about sexual pills in America. Let Marcy (me) tell you that in Bangkok, the sex capital of the world, Thailand, specialized massage parlors offer viagra to older farang clientele who need a hand up on their wilted penises. For those farangs who do not know what farang means, it means foreigners who come to Bangkok to improve their sex lives. I told you I’ve been around the world studying various sexual positions and morays.

All the same, not only do the geriatrically oriented Bangkok massage parlors accepted Master Card and Visa from clients over eighty years of age, and not only do the Bangkok Old Timer’s massage parlors offer tray fulls of Viagra resembling M&Ms milk chocolate, there’s also this thing about the shifting consciousness of sexual gratification in the twenty-first century. Ironically, in Bangkok, and in the East in general, the old way is better than the new way for getting an erection, keeping an erection, no matter what else happens to your penis while you are in the states, or in Europe.

Even the Dalai Lama has made mention of the clear light state of the meditative mind, an enduring state of mental and physical erectness and discipline.

Okay, you’ve all heard of the Kama Sutra, and you’ve heard of the Hebraic Old Testaments, and now you are wondering what the Kama Sutra and the New Testaments have in common in the sexual parlance. Let’s start with the Old Testament: Moses and Abraham both lived to be something like five or six hundred years of age, and they begat and begat and never stopped begetting. Yes, sir. The Old Testament is hip on how in ancient times the life expectancy of the Hebraic Intelligensia was something on the order of a Galapagos Turtle. Even the new Right Wing Christians of the New Right Wing Testament agree that the old prophets lived and lived and lived like vampires (though the New Right Wing Christians sort of omit the begetting sexual parts).

So, Moses and Abraham both lived beyond six hundred years and neither prophet had signs of erectile dysfunction. Let’s face it, the term erectile dysfunction is a twentieth century coinage. Three or four thousand years ago men walking with canes still couldn’t get rid of their erections. Same with the Kama Sutra, the Lords of the Heavens granted the Lords of the Earth magnificent staying power well into their, ah, prime years.

So, what went wrong between Moses and Abraham and Hugh Hefner?

We are a modern people codependent upon pharmaceutical assistance. And television for our information. Modern man doesn’t know how to meditate. Doesn’t know how to connect into the ionosphere for his information. He has to watch Survivor Guatemala instead. Or Oprah. Sure modern man needs Viagra to keep it up. He also needs some kind of pill to get him out of bed, and another kind of pill to put him back into bed. And he’s dying a lot younger than had Moses and Abraham and the Kama Sutra princes because fast food reeks of poisonous gluttony.

The Dalai Lama (the fourteenth such Dalai Lama) has been traveling around the world looking into the scientific and spiritual properties of the brain. The Dalai Lama traveled to the University of Wisconsin at Madison to look at the most advanced technology in MRI and EEG brain wave scanning. The scientists showed the Dalai Lama exactly how the individual brain parts work according to what the brain is thinking, or doing at the second. When the brain is watching television, such and such part of the brain is secreting such and such electromagnetic energy. When the brain is engaged in sex, another part of the brain is secreting yet another kind of electromagnetic energy.

The brain is so easy to understand anymore, so say the scientists at the U of Wisconsin showing the Dalai Lama the latest in brain scanning gizmos. The color red indicates this kind of brain activity. The color blue correlates to that kind of brain activity. It’s like a map of an erector set of the brain. Everything is understood how the brain works.

Not so fast, thinks the Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama noted that everything science notes about brain activity is going one way, say like it’s going from right to left as an illustrative term. The Dalai Lama wonders if meditation can make these electromagnetic burst of energy run the opposite direction, say like from left to right.

Well, the most modern MRI and EEG equipment can’t prove or disprove the Dalai Lama’s assumption. The university scientists really don’t know.

This gives pause to wondering if back in the begetting days of six hundred year old Moses and Abraham, not to forget the Kama Sutra espousing princes, if there wasn’t some kind of different brain wave activity going on that acted like natural Viagra: rather than relying on the modern day pill form?

Next time you are reading your bible, think differently about the potential of your erection…………marcythewhore


Blogger Buddy Brow who gives a damn said...

Love being nit-picky so I have to correct you on Abraham and Moses. Abraham lived 175 years Gen. 25:7 and Moses was an hundred and twenty years old when he died: Deuteronomy 34:7 Maybe it would be helpful if you read the bible before you used it as a reference

November 18, 2010 at 10:50 PM  

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