From Erica's Blog

Monday, February 28, 2005
end of a long weekend.
Nofan's new girlfriend has a schnozz like a hook. I had dinner with them tonight, before i picked up my little parrots. I'm so excited to have my birdies with me again. Right now they are cuddling and making little cooing noises.
She's not all that attractive. She's got a flat tummy but her face is pretty busted.
Friday night I took torch out for his birthday. Dressed to the nines, i found myself at a pantara tribue concert. Great. But he enjoyed himself, and that's what counts.
Saturday night Beard and his wife called me. We had planned on meeting up around 6 or so.
"Hey Beard! How are you and that quiet wife of yours doing?" I said, tearing myself up from laying in front of the huge tv doing nothing.
"We're good. So I was thinking, want to go to the gun range before dinner?" he asked.
"HELL YEAH" I replied, getting excited remembering plinking cans with my father.
An hour later I was alternating between a .38 smith and wesson pistol and a 12 guage shotgun, blowing holes in targets and thouroughly enjoying myself.
We had dinner, and then went to the sextoy store! So much fun! A fabulous time was had by all. Most of the sexual action was the wife and I. She's really fun! She's a wolf in sheeps clothing, I'll tell you. She was so quiet the first night we went out to dinner, imagine my surprise when she's a complete TIGER in bed! Attacking me, making me soak my bed... I didn't really SQUIRT, but I did my old flood the bed trick.
They also had glass dildos, which were very cool to watch up close. I fucked the wife with one while she blew her hubby like a champ. I tell you, I've found someone who possibly could beat me in a dicksucking duel. I'm surprised. :)
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