Monday, March 28, 2005

Lucille's Caterers Cater to Media Covering Schiavo

Marcythewhore says: Dear gentle readers of the Right to Live or Die or Whatever Bent. It's almost over. Even a camel can't go without water forever.

It's been a trying couple of weeks at the Terry Schiavo stronghold. The Bulemic woman who fifteen years ago made herself vomit just one too many times is going to meet the Lord.

A lot of people have put in a lot of personal effort in the Schiavo situation. Congress has forsaken their spring break. Bush flew to from Texas to Washington in his pajamas. The media has been tireless in helping all of us forget the men and women and children being killed in Iraq.

Let me take this moment to honor an unsung hero of the Schiavo situation. My friend Lucille Carter Caterer's Service. Lucille's Tampa based business has been busy, busy, busy catering to the hordes of media gathered outside the hospice center where Terry Schiavo has lain throughout the entire controversy over whether to pull the feeding plugs or not.

Lucille, here's to you for making sure our proud and vigilant media people have been able to keep their nourishment up with your bar-b-cue chicken, baked potatoes, tossed salad and pastas of all varieties.

Without people like Lucille Carter's Caterers America would not be able to keep it's gears greased and running......................marcythewhore


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