Monday, April 04, 2005

A Cold, Hard Week for the Fundamental Immortals...death is inevitable regardless of the machine

Marcythewhore whore says: Everyone is either agitated, excited, annoyed or moved to some kind of opinion by the Pope’s death. Me (marcy)? I’m waiting for Jerry Falwell to stop breathing into a nose tube. It was Falwell who called the Pope the Anti-Christ. That’s the way it is with the current crop of Brown Shirt Christians. They hate the Vatican as much as an abortion clinic. I’ll get excited when Falwell meets the Pontiff in the after-life and we get to see just how much forgiveness all this religion has taught both sides. This could be the biggest celestial ten-rounder between the soul of John Paul and the Brown Shirt remains of Jerry Falwell that the universe has seen since the fall in ‘Paradise Lost.’

Talking about people being affected by John Paul’s death, yesterday I noticed my Brown Shirt neighbour pacing in feverish circles in his front yard, mumbling some sort of incantations.

Concerned, I walked over to ask if I could be of any assistance. A free massage at one of my massage parlors? Whatever to calm this obviously agitated Christian.

Remember that look in your 14 year old cocker spaniel’s eyes when you took the crippled animal to the vet to be mercifully put down? That was the look in my Brown Shirt neighbor’s pool of brown eyes. He looked at me with the look of background dirge music and wailed to the heavens, “John Paul is dead and I don’t know how to serve God enough and if there is something I can do for my fellow human!!!”

I replied, “Well, my yard needs mowing.” And shrugged half in jest.

The cocker spaniel look was replaced by the face of a garage brick wall with seven gangsters lined up in front of it’s inconsequential aesthetics. My Brown Shirt neighbor’s mind just hit that brick wall. A second before he was fretting about how he could give his life to making this a better world, suddenly he was faced with the prospect of smelly gasoline in a lawnmower with wet grass all over his shoes, and he was in water fathoms above his previously lofty head.

But at least I stopped his pacing and wailing. “Don’t worry,” I said in the face of his immediate blank stare. “The Pope won’t know whether you mowed my lawn or not.” Brown Shirt looked like Jesus had just slammed shut the door on the last chance of redemption.

I turned and walked back to my house. It’s been a cold, hard week of slaps in the faces of those who have been struggling with the riddle of immortality: ‘everyone wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.’ Which is why in Sunday school they teach children that immortality doesn’t mean your body quits, it just means that your body learns to play a harp and wear wings. Never mind the incongruity that most people live lives less appealing than a 14 year old cocker spaniel’s on its way to euthanasia, and it doesn’t make any sense to want to extend such a useless existence into eternity. At least reincarnation gives you a fifty-fifty chance of coming back as a movie star or something exciting. But people get accustomed to the boring existence and are willing to live out their lives in boredom for the expectation of continuing to live in boredom in heaven, forever and a day.

It’s been an especially bad week for the Brown Shirt immortal beggars who were taking Vegas odds that Terry Schiavo would be kept in a zombie state of existence for another fifteen years while machines played the part of her heart and lungs. They simply don’t have a machine that can play the part of a dead person’s liquefied brains.

Some sort of Brown Shirt poetic justice would have been served had the already far right judges continued to travel light years farther into the right field horizon to adjudicated that the baby food feeding tubes be reasserted into just above Terry’s belly button. What poetic justice that would have been for the Schindler parents to have saved for another fifteen years their bulimic daughter’s flesh from actually starting to rot.

Yes, fifteen more years of looking at a zombie hooked up to scuba gear and no more media around to have made the Schindlers feel like fifteen minutes of famous celebrity.

The Schindlers are already feeling the pangs of abandonment. The media trucks are no longer triple parked outside their front lawn. Nobody from Fox or CNN are paying attention to the Schindlers anymore.

Look at it this way, mom and pop Schindler. You had your fifteen minutes of fame. It is your destiny to return to anonymity. But your daughter is waiting in anticipation seated on a front row seat in heaven, waiting for the kickoff of the cosmic battle between Jerry Falwell and John Paul to begin.

Imagine how bad it would have been for you Schindlers had the judge said to replace the feeding tube for fifteen years, and nobody is paying attention to you while your daughter continues to mime life hooked up to mechanical devices.

You Schindlers were destined to be forgotten one way or the other. You’ve been forgotten with the death of John Paul and the impending demise of Jerry Falwell.

Let’s give a round of applause to the memory of Hunter Thompson, the man who couldn’t miss himself at close range with a shotgun.

Hunter, like Ernest Hemingway and Kurt Cobain, realized with a shotgun in hand that their usefulness was over. Hunter faced like a man the question of hanging around defoliating the earth with a once vivid existence that had gone south.

John Paul, Jerry Falwell and Ronald Reagan all never saw the enlightening light. They all hung around for far too long than was good for their legacies.

The first ten years or so of John Paul’s papacy were vibrant and alive. After that, John Paul looked silly being propped up by a circle of Cardinals wherever he went to speak in hoarse whispers.

Ronald Reagan’s last years of his presidency were marked by Alzheimer’s and a frightening realization that Reagan could have launched nuclear warheads for breakfast and by lunchtime he’d completely have forgotten the incident.

Jerry Falwell may have been the only one of the triumvirate to have extended his eventual death for a half way decent denouement. Falwell is going to get his clock cleaned by the Pontiff in heaven. That’s worth the price of admission for Terry Schiavo.

At least Hunter Thompson had the maturity of mind to pull the plug on himself the old fashioned way, with a twelve gauge shotgun. Like Hemingway and Cobain. If Vincent Van Gogh had had a shotgun instead of a pistol, Van Gogh would have gone where no resuscitation machine made could retrieve him. Hunter Thompson had the good common sense to be a man by not hanging hang around until he became a cesspool of littering the planet.

What part of it all comes down to is that the Brown Shirts have reversed the psychology of ‘Made in the image of God,’ to ‘Made in the image of man.’

While there’s a perverse, sadistic bent to those Brown Shirts who want to keep vegetative states of zombie existence going in a kingdom of perpetual suffering………marcythewhore

PS.......RIP Martin Luther got whacked on this date in history and didn't bitch all that much about it.......mtw


Blogger jollybeggar said...

right on, marcy, on the lawn mowing bit. thank you for expressing to your crestfallen neighbor an addressable need. clairevoyance is not specifically part of the list of spiritual gifts in its strictest form... the closest approximation is the gift of prophecy- which essentially means being able to perceive the spiritual colour of everyday happenings. although it would not take a prophet to recognize that your lawn needed mowing, the prophetic gift might come in handy in allowing him to recognize that the simply selfless act of enduring "the prospect of smelly gasoline in a lawnmower with wet grass all over his shoes" might make a difference in your world that day- if nothing else it would allow you to see the shirt as not quite so brown. give the guy another chance- maybe his antennae were just bent a bit that day and all he was getting was papal static.


i saw gerry falwell on larry king one time along with larry flynt. talk about "the face of a garage brick wall with seven gangsters lined up in front of it’s inconsequential aesthetics"... when pastogerry said to pornolarry that he wanted to be flynt's pastor, i thought that mr flynt was going to fall right out of shot. i was waiting for falwell to go over and give him a hug or something but that would have been too much love in one room i guess. still, it all made for some really fun watercooler conversation the next day. you know, a love those who hate you, pray for those who persecute you kinda thing?

i guess there are many types of happy ending.

April 4, 2005 at 11:07 PM  
Blogger marcythewhore said...

marcythewhore replies: You say to give the neighbor another chance. Gee, that really stresses out the definition of Born Again. What's it supposed to be: Born Again and Again and Again and Again and Again. How many Born Agains does one Brown Shirt get in one lifetime? And these Brown Shirts don't want to believe in reincarnation so that they can have even more Born Agains. They want it all in one swing of the bat.

As for hugging and loving. Customers of all kinds come into Marcy's (my) massage parlors. We are located all through downtown Chicago and out wide into the suburbs. And we pay our dues to the Outfit and the Chicago police alike so that we can massage in peace.

We get all kinds of customers who come in here and want to hug my girls. Hugging is a lot extra. Kissing, well, we just don't do that. A customer can't even get a kiss from a call girl working at the Mustang Ranch outside of Las Vegas. Whores don't kiss on the lips. But I do allow customers to hug....for a fee.

When the Baptists have a convention here in Chicago, let me tell you this, those Baptist ministers who come in for a Happy Ending, they just want all kinds of love every which way possible or imaginable.........marcythewhore

April 5, 2005 at 8:18 AM  
Blogger jollybeggar said...

Jesus said 70 X 7 because he knew the raw material he was dealing with.

born again and again (etc)? oh yeah. most people botch up regularly regardless of the colour of their shirt- i know i sure do anyway. it's when we pretend we didn't trip that drives everybody, especially a holy God, crazy. deny deny deny.

but grace doesn't mean winking at the things that fall short of that which you represent... it means acknowledging a stupid self-centred compromise of integrity and then being given the freedom to move on, having done whatever you can to right your wrong.

my little dog forgives me every time i forget to feed him or forget to leave a light on for him when we go out in the evening or whatever. for some reason, i have an incredibly tough time forgiving him for a basic dog thing like pooping on the rug.

i guess it is a unique human endowment to hold a grudge. i do not think, however, that that is part of the whole 'made in the image of God thing'... it is part of our quest for control that has been called 'the fall of man'.

as for one swing of the bat, i have a theory (albeit not a very good one) on that...

April 5, 2005 at 9:53 AM  
Blogger marcythewhore said...

marcythewhore says: Your dog forgives you because your dog doesn't have a choice. You can put that dog to the needle and somehow that dog instinctively knows it.

But dogs don't really forgive, do they? That's so anthropomorphic thinking of dogs. Like, do mice really wear red shorts and white gloves.

Yet, dogs instinctively know to head for the hills when a Tsunami is approaching, while humans go surfing.

Someone sent me this blog thing you might enjoy or something while you are are forgiving or not forgiving an animal that is most likely an extra terrestrial being put here to keep tabs on us humans (though I'd suspect the cat before I suspect the dog).......marcythewhore

April 5, 2005 at 12:46 PM  
Blogger marcythewhore said...

........what if the call of Jesus is the only thing that will truly rescue a soul from an eternal swoon? what if damnation begins as the pointless cycling through of life dreams which are ultimately of no consequence-..........

marcythewhore says: When John Paul wakes up from the 26 year dream he had, he's going to find himself in the same room with Atilla the Hun and Al Capone and a lot of other people who lived a lot more violent lives.

Heaven forbid, Hitler is in the same room with the Popes.

Did you ever hear the story of Pope Joan? Remind me some time.

At any rate, 'The Last Temptation of Christ' didn't really rile people until it became a movie. It's a human thing, the way people judge and weigh situationa..........marcythewhore

April 5, 2005 at 12:51 PM  
Blogger jollybeggar said...

i don''t think so. the capacity to let go of having been hurt is hardly the same as what clothing mickey is wearing on the face of my watch. the level of perceived anthropomorphism in my spin on the emotional connectedness of my dog fredd is probably determined by what a person believes forgiveness is.

as for john paul II and all the scourge of humanity sitting together in the same cosmic waiting room holding numbered pieces of paper in their hands, i guess i don't really have a problem with that, figuratively (any more than i have a problem with you and oprah comparing notes on who was more righteous... although, wouldn't it be awful if it all came down to the fact that oprah's hugs were free?) because i believe that this is a deity capable of both love and justice simultaneously. that's probably where the heartbreak would be.

the one thing that i have drawn from reading dante is that his poem about hell is not really about hell at all... it is about categorizing the games people play, determining which ones are further down some sort of badness continuum and what punishment seems fitting. you nailed it, in my opinion, when you said "it's a human thing the way people judge and weigh situationa..." we like to somehow quantify everything in order to have a picture of where our misdeeds fall in the larger morality. it probably helps us sleep at night, but i'm not sure that that's actually God's way.

although we are pretty sure that God does something cataclysmically final with our misdeeds, it is interesting to speculate what he does with the good things we do. this is probably why we think that the pope and the pagans will be treated differently.

i think that it is of more importance to the God of Christian spirituality what we've done with the good that he did on our behalf than it is to find ways of addressing and rewarding what good we did on his behalf. the good we do for others in the name of righteousness and faith is for them, not us.

April 5, 2005 at 3:29 PM  
Blogger marcythewhore said...

Dante and Hitler both were sitting in prison when they decided to write a book.

Jose Canseco was only on house arrest when he decided to write a book about steroids in baseball. Canseco's book will most likely not be as long lived as The Divine Comedy or Mein Kampf.

Hell is not really about hell. Hell is about someone's idea of creating a psychological prison made out of fear.

Confession is not about confession to escape hell. The confession box is a way for the village priest to know all the gossip going on in the village. It's a method of control.

You wear a Mickey Mouse watch and you have a dog named Fredd? You need a Happy Ending massage.....marcythewhore

April 6, 2005 at 7:13 AM  
Blogger jollybeggar said...

but fredd is not just any old dog.

my dog fredd was a showdog in another life (he's on his third one now, having never died. ah whatever, cats do it all the time because they're alien spawn)

so he has ribbons and photographs to back up the story that he was ranked 5th in north america in 1997. talk about anthropomorphic? he's a dog not the cover of CQ (canine quarterly), yet dog people have this thing with living out their dreams of stardom through their pets. at the time his name was 'aramis' after the musketeer, not the fragrance.

anyway, breeders bought him, papers and all, for $4000 and proceded to keep him under their employ providing happy endings and a line of champions for anyone who was willing to pay for a celebrity hug over the next five years...

that's when we got him. to us, he came free however, but by then he kinda walked sideways and had a rather distracting habit of leering knowingly at any dog, male or female, that might walk by. we changed his name to fredd because the whole musketeer thing just didn't work for him anymore...didn't smell that great either.

whatever the case, fredd forgave us for changing his name- he comes running with his little pokemon beanbag whenever we call. new life, new name, chance to start again, a relocation program or a well-earned retirement? whatever, it's all good.

however, every now and then he takes a dump on the dining room floor if he's been left alone too often over the last few days, just to communicate with us in a language that we all understand.

he's a former canine socialite in need of a happy ending that will actually satisfy a dog of such rich background and experience.

it must suck to be a has-been.

April 6, 2005 at 1:59 PM  
Blogger marcythewhore said...

Marcythewhore says: I can’t tell you how many times a customer comes into my massage parlor after their first ‘past life’ regression experience, all excited and saying things like, “You won’t guess who I was in a former life!”

Of course I can’t guess. There must be a zillion former kings and heroic knights and all sorts of fabulous people in history that was their former life. Cause one thing I know for sure, these customers of mine who’ve been to past life regression, none of them were peasants in a former lifetime.

No, Siree Bob, they weren’t.

But I try to do that best I can for my customers who have paid a hundred dollars to be told that they were Charlemagne or George S. Patton or Davy Crockett in a former life. I just tell them that for a small extra fee I can set up a Happy Ending Motif in the small virtual reality massage room at the end of the hall. They can have a Happy Ending on Charlemagne’s horseback of in a tank attacking Nazis or in the woods on top of a dead three year old bear just outside the Alamo or whatever turns their little past life on to no end.

If your dog is telling you that he was a fabulous show dog in a former life, who is Marcy (me) to say that your dog had a crooked and lying past life regressor leading his canine little butt down the primrose path. Look, if I was a past life regressor I’d of told your Fredd dog that he was Rin-Tin-Tin or the original Lassie….or maybe Toto in the Wizard of Oz.

If Fredd needs a Happy Ending fantasy with Dorothy or whatever, Marcy (me) has a virtually real fantasy program for all breeds and sizes.

And if Fredd wants to do an intercourse stage act fantasy with a Mexican whore whose mule has died, that can be arranged as well…………….marcythewhore

April 7, 2005 at 12:23 PM  

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