Saturday, April 02, 2005

Just Pick the Right God, Will You For a Change!

hey marcy...........just wondering if it's a hassle for me to be posting 'god-comments' on your blog all the time.don't want to negatively affect your readership.have a good one-jb

marcythewhore advises jb.....................Ohmygawd (figuratively speaking). You are worried about affecting my readership?! For the most part hard drugs and cheap wine can't affect my readership. My readership makes Hell's Kitchen look like Romper Room's den. If you can make my readership laugh........then you might be holding up a mirror to reality for them.

This isn't Ann Landers you are talking to, you know. This is marcy. This is not an advice column where people who have delusions of grandeur that they are the most important religious people in the universe write to ask for advice.

Please try to remember that when you write to marcy for advice, you are already one twisted individual who is having trouble with any number of worldly incidents. Just state your problem and let marcythewhore try to categorize your particular brand of perversity.

Okay, now onto your sick question of whether or not you can talk about God in my column.

Which God do you want to talk about? And for Jesus Barking Christ's Sake, is there a chance in hell you might chose to talk about the right God for a change?

Not that marcy(me) is going to ruin all your fun by telling you which God is the right God. That would be like playing pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey without a blindfold while using a magnifying glass.

It would be unique if when you want to talk about God in my advice column that you say something interesting and unique about God.

Then, again, if you prefer to use the standard schlock comments so many Brown Shirt religious zealots can't help themselves in reflexively repeating, well hell, that's just more fodder for marcy(me) to lambast into.

But, wait! Let me see if I can correctly assay this burst of curiosity about God you are exhibiting. Could it be that the Pope is about to give up the ghost?

Yep, you figure if the Pope can die, anyone can die. Well, sure. It's not a fair or pretty world we live in (which is why people spend a lot of time talking about God..........they're scared witless while hoping that some divine finger will rescue them....and why is it that so many religious people spend all their time talking about the wonders of heaven, but none of them want to die).

There is even a heavy metal band named God. You can talk about that God if you have the need to mention God...............................marcythewhore


Blogger jollybeggar said...

this isn't ann landers?
my bad.

but as to being one twisted jollybeggar individual having delusions of personal spiritual significance? no, cuz i already know that YOU are the most important religious person in the universe. there can be only one.

i'm going to go back to reading about hell now.


April 2, 2005 at 1:27 PM  
Blogger marcythewhore said...

marcythewhore says: The day I'm more important than Oprah that's when I get excited.......mtw

April 4, 2005 at 7:54 AM  
Blogger jollybeggar said...

yeah, you're right. she is pretty important.

April 5, 2005 at 9:59 AM  

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