Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Today’s Angel Sighting by Marcy (me)

Dear Marcy, I must say! Your blog is beyond great!
I simply can't stop laughing sometimes at some of the topics and content...LOL!!!
Why on earth don't you have your own column?!?!?!


Marcythewhore says: Who do you think owns this column? The United States Government? Well, actually this column of mine belongs to the Mafia, the Chicago Outfit. If you notice I will say nasty things about the government and the Popes but I won’t fuck with the mob.

While I’m at it, now is the time for Marcy (me) to bring the public the latest angel sighting.

Today’s angel comes to us in the form of a dog in Kenya, Africa. In fact that Kenyans have named this dog ‘Angel.’

The Angel dog had a litter of puppies when she found a human baby in the trash. The Angel in the shape of a dog picked up the baby and blanket to take back to her litter to feed and raise.

Everything was going great until humans discovered this Angel dog taking care of a human baby and they tried to take the baby away to a hospital. Now the Angel dog is suing to legally adopt the baby………………….marcythewhore


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