Tuesday, May 03, 2005

A Urine Stain on Gandhi’s Clothes and a Picnic for Skinheads and Jews for Jesus……

Diveacje said... I'm sure you would understand my defensive position when you compared me to a urine stain on your clothes.

Actually what aggravated me the most was that you called Benedict a Nazi at all. It seemed completely unfair of you to slap him with a label of which he is entirely undeserving. How can you call someone a Nazi when they didn't practice Nazi customs, or believe in Nazi teachings? Is it because he was FORCED to wear their uniform? Well...I certainly didn't know that dress was that important.

Please don't take a condescending tone. By (rightfully) defending Benedict against slander I am not "forgiv[ing] and forget[ting] the Nazis" in any part. Oh and "may we all learn a lesson in humility for your forgiveness of the Nazi atrocities committed by people who were merely following orders"?! What is this? You make it seem like I'm one of those people defending some low-ranking Nazi officer from the Nuremburg trials on account of "they were only following orders."

Please let me reiterate that Benedict (wait, I should go slower)...Benedict...did...NOT (< the "NOT" part is important)...commit...any...Nazi..."atrocities". And I wouldn't be defending him if he did. I think that argument is completely worthless……..Diveacje

Marcythewhore says: Dear In Need of Dry Cleaning Friend: Compare you to a urine stain on my clothes? I was comparing you to Gandhi. I was getting ready to debunk the belief that in this day and age another Gandhi could not walk this planet. If there is a reincarnation then you are Gandhi.

And what about those funny hats and heavy clothes they make Popes wear. Gee, when they sent the Nazis into Russia they didn’t give them half as much winter clothes as they needed. But, then again, Napoleon made that same mistake.

It wasn’t really me who called Benedict a Nazi. It was the world’s wire services and news organizations who said, “Oh, oh. The College of Cardinals just sent up a white plume of smoke to announce that they have chosen a former Nazi artillery officer to be the next Pope replacing the Polish John Paul II.”

All I said was, “Gee, that is weird. I mean, it’s not like they are naming him head of the Boy Scouts. He’s the Pope.”

You know, now that you mention it, when John Paul II was elected I never said anything about there having once been a very large Jewish population in Poland, before the Catholics killed them off. I just find it very strange that in the long history of Popes there have been some strange connections. But, look, let’s not be Polly-anish about this. You don’t get to be one of the biggest religions in the world without stepping on a few toes.

And who am I too condemn Benedict that out of 116 possible Cardinals up for the job they pick the only one who served in the Nazi army. I mean, I’m getting to be just like you. “So what?” Arnold Schwarzenegger’s father was a Nazi and Arnold is governor of California. Maybe all in all people just like Nazis. Kind of like they like gangsters like John Gotti. I mean, when Joseph Stalin died and they laid his body in state in the Kremlin more than 1500 were crushed to death in the melee to get inside to see Stalin’s body.

Okay, I see your point. People like Nazis and gangster and Joseph Stalin and other types of people who have very strange shadow lives. Hell, I’m a massage parlor whore and you should see the fan mail I get.

But I don’t recall having compared you to a urine stain on my clothes. I think what I said is that if I tried to debate you, a Jew who is defending a Nazi, that it would like pissing all over myself. I didn’t call you a urine stain.

I called you the reincarnation of Gandhi.

Six million Jews walked into a gas chamber thinking, “Hey, these guys are only following orders.” And you are Gandhi enough to see through the illusion of life.

I received an email from a neo-Nazi skinhead named ‘Skinny’ of all things. Skinny lives in Michigan. Here is the email I got from Skinny and I pass it along to you. You can either accept or reject Skinny’s very serious offer………….marcythewhore:

“Dear marcythewhore you dried up slut, what is with you. This is the first time they ever had a Pope I could like. I am going to have Benedict’s picture tattooed on my right arm right underneath my swastika. Now you go tell that Diveacje Jewish person who likes the new Pope too that I am going to have a weekend retreat in the Upper Michigan Peninsula. We skinheads are going to spend the weekend in the woods having cookouts and playing soccer. Tell Diveacje to bring all his Jewish friends on out to the woods to play soccer with us skinheads as we cook stuff like wild hogs in the ovens……..Skinny the Neo-Nazi Hero of Detroit.

"Gandhi murmured, "Hey, Rama (Oh, God)." A third shot rang out...


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