Thursday, May 05, 2005

Jews and Christians and Muslims Play Soccer in the Afterlife

Rabbi Marcythewhore’s Pearls of Wisdom for the Day: Christians constantly speak of how great Heaven is, yet nobody wants to die.

Jews reject the concept of Heaven and Hell yet they are in a hurry to get nowhere by being buried before sundown.

Muslims get to do everything sinful with virgins in Paradise that they weren’t allowed to do on earth so they blow themselves up for tickets to the afterlife.

So, what’s the mystery that no one philosophically gets along?

“Okay, knights. Today is the first day of what will become known as the Hundred Years War. So let’s get out there in this first battle of many to come and make a rousing good start of it all.” Douglas Adams

The Nazis adopted the Arabic symbol of the swastika and aligned themselves with the Pope in Rome and murdered the Jews.

Now we have an ex-Nazi for Pope who is going to try to convince Germany to join in on the Holy Oil War against the Muslims (Why do you think they named an ex-Nazi Pope…to bring peace to the world. Not!).

Does anyone notice a Déjà vu all over again forming here?

To think that all this began with dinosaurs dying and turning into oil while Brown Shirt Christians claim that the world is only six thousand years old and that dinosaurs never really existed.

Have a Happy Holy Oil War everyone, and learn how to stiff arm salute while genuflecting…………………Rabbi Marcythewhore


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