Friday, May 06, 2005

Marcy (me) Blows Up Camel Jockeys With Her Joystick

US army to produce Mid-East comic: The US military is planning to win the hearts of young people in the Middle East by publishing a new comic. An advertisement on the US government's Federal Business Opportunities website is inviting applications for someone to develop an "original comic book series".

Marcythewhore says: Dear United States Government, marcy (me) is getting out her pen and pencil set.

Look out Stan Lee. Here comes marcythewhore with her new superhero creation.

My comic book hero has a joystick he holds between his legs. That joystick is connected to an interactive video game using real live people on the other end. My comic book hero uses her joystick to direct a satellite fed laser beam down to desert earth. Her laser beam disintegrates vital organs like the kidneys and spleen.

When my comic book hero isn’t playing with her interactive video game laser she is sending out high frequency sound waves to burst the eardrums of guys on camels……marcythewhore


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