Wednesday, April 06, 2005

How To Fly Your Flag at Half Mast Happy Endings:

Dear Marcy, when I come into one of your massage parlors I’m always amazed at how submissive your working girls are toward me. How can I get my wife to be so submissive? A Customer in Waiting.

Marcythewhore says: Dear Waiting For Your Pants to Learn How to Fly Like a Magic Carpet……….give me a moment to stop laughing, pick myself up off the floor and dry my eyes.

You actually think that my massage girls are submissive? Why, honey, that’s why they call my girls the ‘Women Who Roar.’

When you are getting a Happy Ending you only think that you are in control of the situation. Your wife knows that little secret about the birds and bees, why don’t the two of you have a talk some night.

Which brings me to the ‘News of the Day for the Thoroughly Confused:’ This morning it was being reported on the local news that a teenage girl had been abducted from a nearby high school by a man in a Ford F-150 pick-up. While the police ran helter skelter scouring the city for signs of the abducted girl, into the classroom comes strolling cool and calm said teenage girl in tight blue jeans.

Naturally the teachers jaw hit the ground. After said teacher picked up her lower jaw from the terrazzo she said, “Everyone is looking for you. You were supposed to have been kidnapped!”

Turned out that the perky and nubile young lass went to Dunkin Donut with a customer for jelly doughnuts and a morning quickie in the front seat.

Which brings me to yet another point of newsworthy notice. Flags at all the high schools in the nation are supposed to be flying at half mast for the Pope’s journey to heaven. Just a while back flags flew at half mast for Muslims who went surfing in the face of an incoming Tsunami. Seems to Marcy (me) that those days are over of reserving the right to fly a flag at half mast for those who are as illustrious to American firepower as General George S. Patton. Now it’s a matter of political correctness to swing the flag half way semi-erect for anyone or anything that can make us American people look momentarily empathetic.

Why, hell, I know a Jewish gentleman who is currently flying at half mast the flag on his yacht in honor of the deceased Pontiff who, after four days of lying in viewing state on a divan is beginning to show definite signs of wear and tear and death on his once Polish body………………….marcythewhore


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