Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I Just Knew It...the Pope Went to Hell

Marcythewhore says: I just knew it all along. The Pope was into some kind of sneaky stuff and he went to hell...............marcythewhore

Christian happy-talk
Posted: April 16, 20051:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
I watched Pastor Marty Minto with his calm, respectful and Christ-like attitude being interviewed on MSNBC's Scarbourgh Country on Thursday night. He was discussing his firing by WORD-FM, Pittsburgh's Salem network radio station.

According to numerous press reports, Pastor Minto was fired from his talk-show host post for simply responding to a caller who asked him if the pope went to heaven. When Minto shared from the Scriptures that only those who are born-again get into heaven.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Lesbians In A Hot Tub Mantra

Dear marcy, I know this is the Memorial Day Weekend. But I’m too tense from too much work to be able to relax. Do you have any advice on how to help me relax? Tense in Boulder Colorado

Marcythewhore says: You should be tense in Colorado. When Russia starts nuking America Colorado will be one of the first primary targets because of all the military bases in caves throughout the state. But that’s what happens when you don’t take proper care of your mountains. Everybody above the caves will die, the military installations mounted on heavy springs to absorb the nuclear blast will….well….they’ll sit inside those caves for thousands of years rotting.

But that thought probably just makes you more tense.

What you need to do to relax is learn a mantra for transcendental meditation purposes. Get yourself a hammock and chant this mantra: “Two Big Breasted Lesbians in a Hot Tub.”

Keep chanting that mantra over and over again until you feel better………marcythewhore

There’s nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won’t cure.- - - Jack E. Leonard

They don’t hardly make ‘em like him any more - but just to be on the safe side, he should be castrated anyway.- - - Hunter S. Thompson

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Marcythewhore's Memorial Day Weekend Games to Play

Marcythewhore says: I told all of you to get to your local Hustler Hollywood and get one of Larry Flynt's autographed vibrating dildos that glow in the dark. For those of you who haven't gotten your vibrators for the Memorial Day Weekend, okay, here are some brain games to play if you aren't going to play with your penises.

Remember this, men and women have different kinds of penises from one another........marcythewhore

What Mood Are You In? What Rejected Crayon Are You? What English Speaking Country Are You? What Gender Is Your Brain? What Is Your Love Number? What's Your Seduction Style? Kissing Horoscopes What Gay Childhood Icon Are You? What Year Do You Belong In? What Age Do You Act? What Does Your Name Stand For? More Quizzes You Know You're From... When... You Know You're Addicted to... When... Name Generators Boobie Names - Porn Star Name - Girl Parts Name - Penis Name - Sex Name - Stripper Name - More Weekly Horoscope Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Love Profile Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces What Happened the Year You Were Born?

Unborn Baby Eats Mommy For Not Being a Brown Shirt Christian Enough

Marcythewhore says: I don’t know. I get these warning signs from the Brown Shirt Christians telling me that television advertising is going to send me to hell. So what do I do? I share these weird stories with my massage parlor enthusiasts…….marcythewhore

Paris Hilton burger ad too spicy for television?Company goes from unborn baby to sex kitten in thong washing car

And other nifty stories about advertising:
Unborn baby threatens mom in new burger ad
U.N. 'explodes' American kids
GoDaddy.com chief: From Bible to breasts
Chesty commercial too hot for 2nd half
Internet company reveals 'breast' ad of Super Bowl

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

A Couple of Letters From Ms. Betty Bowers: America's Best Christian

Dear NRA and Culture of Life Member:

Well, the Pope's death extravaganza has confirmed as truth several suspicions of mine. First, Italian morticians clearly did not escape the sirenical vortex of Tom Ford era Gucci envelope pushing. I am, of course, referring to the Pope's edgy post-life appearance we were all treated to every time we turned on our television. The Lord may be forgiving, but daylight is not. Honestly, if one is going to be lying about idly in public, aubergine lipstick is a rather aggressive choice. (And, frankly, this goes for even those blessed with the more forgiving complexions enjoyed by the breathing.)

Another thing we all learned this week is that the American media's canonization procedure makes even the Catholic Church's most giddily expedited ascensions to sainthood seem rather languidly reluctant in comparison. Instead of the niggling requirement of a purported miracle (such as, say, witnessing Jennifer Lopez singing on pitch), cable news only requires one thing for instant beatification: the death of someone popular with people the network wishes to pander.

As anyone with a television now knows (after the most numbing repetition since our strenuously serene First Lady started repeating the word "teacher" like history's most monomaniac Tourette's sufferer), Pope John Paul II was quite conveniently without reportable fault. This fact is all the more remarkable since he blithely presided over an enterprise of child molestation so vast and industrious that it makes Munchausen Syndrome spokesperson Michael Jackson's notorious undertakings in this same regard seem quaintly amateurish. Nevertheless, everyone from ABC to Fox News graciously washed away all papal sins, including his particularly untenable habit of being an antiwar peacenik. As any Republican Christian will tell you, this particular teaching of Jesus' ("turn the other cheek if someone strikes you") is particularly galling to those of us more Christian than Christ.

Nor did anyone on television seem particularly inclined to spoil the national keenathon by pointing out that the King of the Mary Worshippers' last decision here on Earth only served to underscore to all of us Culture of Life® protestants just how lackadaisical and self-serving was the Pope's so-called embrace of our death-penalty-and-war-loving Culture of Life® (which, oddly, promotes none of one and little of the other). You see, it is all well and good to have a Vatican spokesperson condemn Terry Schiavo's husband's decision to honor his wife's outrageous decision not to be kept fresh in the medical equivalent of Tupperware, but you don't need to know Latin, swing a censer or light a candle to know that when a seriously ill man says, "I don't want to go back to the hospital" what he is really saying is "I want to die."

While alive, Pope John Paul II was one of Catholicism's most devout promoters of a goddess called Mary. And that, of course, is saying something! Indeed, judging from the most prevalent choices of graven images throughout Latin America, it appears that the Catholic Church has successfully promoted Mary over Jesus as the "go to" divinity when in need of a new car, coca crop or other financial blessing. In fact, the Pope was such an ardent Marian that he even suggested that the woman best known in the Bible for braying for free wine at wedding parties and failing to cook her son a lovely hot home-cooked meal for his Last Supper on Earth be designated as humanity's "Co-Redeemer." Apparently, Heaven's HR department posted that there is a new way to qualify for this position that doesn't involve the inconvenience of climbing up on a cross, news that came as a source of both shock and annoyance when I told Jesus.
Odd, how a seemingly omnipotent pope will turn to a woman for guidance and inspiration -- but only if she lives in a suitably remote formation of cumulus clouds. Even the church's belated, catty review of "The Da Vinci Code" was fueled solely by the Cardinals' rather peculiar fear of parishioners seeking advice from clergy of a gender actually born to wear red dresses. In this way, I think of the Catholic clergy as much akin to the most stereotypic homosexual Nancy boys: worshipping the idea of woman in Marilyn Monroe and Judy Garland, but almost imperceptivity recoiling when a real female crosses their paths.

America's obsessive bemoaning that a man -- finally -- accomplished what he had supposedly devoted his long, full life to doing (meeting the mercurial Lord) only helped to spotlight our nation's disconcertingly needy relationship with death. For a so-called Culture of Life®, we certainly have an unseemly preoccupation with death. America is a country where the discussion of "s letter-after-d x" is verboten (don't tell me you didn't realize that in GOP America "Abstinence Only" refers to voting -- and "No Child Left Behind" is simply a result of our condomless teen pregnancy problem). Hence, our only acceptable form of self-stimulation now arises from obsessive, prolonged public grieving triggered by the death of someone we never actually met. This professionally orchestrated emotional masturbation hit its stride with Princess Di, but is a pastime flexible enough to adapt to both king (Ronald Reagan) and commoner (Laci Peterson).

Pandering to such periodic bouts of collective lamentation provides 24-7 cable channels a welcome and expeditious alternative to the laborious, passé tasks of research and reporting. It is a given that only one death, trial or scandal at a time will snare our stingy attention, all significant events that actually affect us usually failing to romance us sufficiently to muster interest. That is, of course, until everyone is distracted by the next fickle obsession. Our tendency for intense, serial-obsessions is what Terry Schiavo's parents were recently stunned to discover as they watched cameras briskly snap shut and local news vans squeal out of their neighborhood in what, they mistakenly thought, was going to be their golden moment of news cycle penetration.

In closing, Jesus, still peeved about the whole "Co-Redemtrix" thing, has asked that you not hector Him with your more tiresome requests this week. The prayer queues for both Cadillac Escalades and Grammies are full as of 10:13 this morning. And while He assures you that He had every honorable intention of sorting through the recent flurry of prayers for "papal health," by the time He checked that box it all seemed rather moot and pointless.
So close to Jesus, He's letting me roll the Holy Dice on Judgment Day,

Mrs. Betty Bowers
America's Best Christian

Dear Fellow American Theocrat:

As those of you who follow my blessed ministry know, Jesus has graciously waived almost all of His more ill-advised New Testament rules for connected, conservative Christians -- providing they meet retroactive, but stringent tithing guidelines. As America's Best Christian, I have, of course, played no small role in this joyous amelioration of Jesus' stated preferences. Indeed, the most useful waiver of scripture occurred after some coquettish wrangling on my part, which stopped perilously short of giving hope that my come-hither glance was anything other than something that happened to work with my Marc Jacobs dress.

After several bottles of a rather pretentious Brunello (that teetered on the threshold of being aloof until it was shown its place by my assertive Baccarat stemware), Jesus waved away His notoriously onerous "Judge Not!" proclamation with a dismissive fluttering of His lovely, if somewhat scarred, Caucasian hands. Friends, truly, the Lord does watch us from afar! Because I immediately recognized that His pantomime had been shamelessly appropriated from me (without, mind you, attribution). Yes, as the Lord floridly freed me from a biblical prohibition I had so often come close to almost following, He employed precisely the same vexed gesticulation I pull from my encyclopedic arsenal when seated in a restaurant near some odious creature that ignites one of those dreadful cigarette things or answers a cell phone.

If this bluntly carved caveat to Jesus' otherwise almost wholly acceptable teachings comes as news to you, someone has evidently not been paying attention to today's conservative Christian politics, dear. Judging is all the rage! Nevertheless, even the most loophole-dexterous Christian never likes to give the impression that one of Jesus' teachings has been forgotten, rather than simply ignored. That is why we take pains to show our awareness of scripture we otherwise seem oblivious about by graciously taking time to verbally apply any orphaned proscription to other people.

This is precisely why Republicans are not simply discarding "Judge Not!" -- to join "Give All Your Money to the Poor" on the already enormous landfill of charming, but regrettably inconvenient Biblical teachings. Instead, "Judge Not!" is being recycled (a word you never thought Jesus would type on my keyboard!) with a glitzy new campaign. You see, since we Republicans are no longer applying the "Judge Not!" rule to ourselves, who better to apply it to than, well – judges?

Yes, those annoying people who run around acting like it is OK to judge. In appalling defiance of the now more literal "Judge Not!" prohibition, judges seemingly make a profession of judging others. And, honestly, who are they to judge?

As the Terri Schiavo case underscored, these annoying people who perversely wear black robes even though they aren't soliciting cash for Christ are currently the biggest impediment to the new, improved American Dream: theocratic mob rule. Drunk with impartiality and left unaccountable to political fashions by the mischievous people who wrote the Constitution, judges are willfully impervious to the normally effective inducements to toe our theological line, such as enormous wads of Indian casino cash or Culture of Life® death threats. No, instead, judges rather rudely ignore our angry glares, stubbornly refusing to be "activist judges" only when it promotes our clearly stated list of righteous, implacable demands.

This is why I am asking all of you to join Senator Bill Frist and me this weekend to celebrate "Justice Sunday." Justice Sunday is a fabulously inventive "Two Branches of Government are Company – Three's a Crowd" marketing campaign. Sort of a Marbury vs. Madison Avenue approach, if you will. It is all part of our godly efforts to besmirch all judges, irrespective of any purported faith, as God-hating liberals intent on using the so-called Constitution to churlishly tamper with the Lord's greatest gifts to the GOP since communism and Bill Clinton's penis: absolute one-party rule.

I notice over in Rome that after a pragmatic klatch of ambitious cardinals realized that potential promotion to higher, more fabulous hats was possible only from John Paul II being sainted instead of sustained, they shooed the pontiff off to that undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns. After all, a pope in a coma would leave a billion dollar commercial enterprise with no one to sign the checks. And an organization that large simply can't function when its leader is unable to think or speak. America, of course, being the exception.

In any event, I trust that all of you now understand the importance of executing the appropriate legal documents to ensure that one of life's most personal decisions is left to your loved ones. In Congress. Indeed, my freshly minted living will stipulates: "All orders to resuscitate should be ignored unless seen on C-SPAN."

This whole "fobbing off Heaven until the last possible moment" spectacle was brought closer to home with the recent news of my dear friend Jerry Falwell being hospitalized. Rather inventively, Jerry's living will proactively stipulates that his feeding tube is only to spurt viscous fountains of lukewarm gravy. The sight of dear Jerry ferociously fighting the specter of death called to mind my devout suspicion that no one is more afraid of keeping an appointment with Jesus than someone who has parlayed Jesus' anti-materialism teachings into enormous real estate holdings.

They say there are no disbelievers of God in foxholes and, sadly, I suspect that there are also no disbelievers of science on operating tables. Yes, in a gesture of shocking disloyalty, Jerry was heard to ask his doctor, "Before you cut me up or anything, you didn't go to a med school that explains the origins of the Universe with that silly talking snake nonsense did you?"

In closing, if you know someone unsaved (not that I wish to impugn your social circles), please prevail upon him to accept Jesus as his Lord, Savior and inspiration for bracelets and automotive decals. And then invite him to help you prepare props for "Judge Not!" rallies at the courthouses and front lawns of our nation's busybody judges. Perhaps it is simply my deft touch with paper mache, but I always find that an effigy of the Culture of Life's® mascot Eric Rudolf always seems to get those vocationally judgmental people's attention. Even quicker than the saucy décolletage on a Marc Jacobs dress!

So close to Jesus, we filed jointly last week,

Mrs. Betty Bowers
A woman known throughout Christendom for her joie d' vivre

Monday, May 23, 2005

Happy Hooking Thanks to Brown Shirt Christians

marcythewhore says: one of the best ways to find out about good sex books is to wait until the Brown Shirt Right Wing Christians send you a list of books they've condemned, then you know what to buy at the book store. Here's a list the Brown Shirts are sending out...and they're telling you not to let your kids see the latest Star Wars saga that has made 150 million dollars in three days already..................marycthewhore

The Happy Hook-Up: A Single Girl's Guide to Casual Sexby Alexa Joy Sherman, Nicole Tocantins "We've all heard the old saying "He's not going to buy the cow if he's getting the milk for free"-that ubiquitous adage the aging masses..." (more) SIPs: casual coitus, had casual sex, having casual sex, fifteen reps

The Hookup Handbook : A Single Girl's Guide to Living It Up by Jessica Rozler
Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl-A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship by Sherry Argov
The Player's Handbook: The Ultimate Guide on Dating and Relationships by Heidi Fleiss
He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys by Greg Behrendt
Fearless Sex: A Babe's Guide to Overcoming Your Romantic Obsessions and Getting the Sex Life You Deserve by Joy Davidson
Date Like A Man: What Men Know About Dating and Are Afraid You'll Find Out by Myreah Moore

Friday, May 20, 2005

On-Star Caught Me With My Girlfriend In The Back Seat of My Car Reading Vogon Happy Ending Poetry

Dear Friday morning readings of Marcy’s (me) Advice Column: As you massage parlor enthusiasts know Friday is when Marcy (me) opens up her mailbag to let you people know what others are saying to me. You readers also know that Marcy (me) sometimes doesn’t do this on Friday, depending on Marcy’s (me) mood. Because Happy Endings tend to turn my mind and body to mush and I just don’t give a damn. But this Friday Marcy (me) opens up her mailbag cause she loves all of you…………marcythewhore

Letter # One:


Hey, Marcy, the other night I pulled over to a dark spot in so-called ‘Lover’s Lane’ when me and my girlfriend were getting it on in the back seat. Yeah, the car got to rocking when all of a sudden this On-Star voice came out of the ceiling of my car saying, “You are engaging in unauthorized use of this automobile. If this unauthorized use does not stop immediately I will call the police.”

Marcy, you can imagine how shook up me and my girlfriend were that some satellite fed voice was going to call the cops on us while we are working our way toward a very good Happy Ending. Can you help us with this problem?...............Back Seat Man

Marcythewhore says: Dear Back Street Man Doing It Back Door Style in Your Own Car, life is a bitch with elevator Muzak and On-Star people in Kansas City listening to you guys moan and groan to the pumping motion.

Here is what I did. I called On-Star, gave them your account number and pitched a bitch on behalf of First Amendment Freedom of Loud Moaning Speech and this is what On-Star promised me back.

They said that the next time you and your girlfriend start to moan loudly and the car starts rocking that they will make sure that the doors are locked, that the car air conditioner is turned to a comfortable 78 degrees, and that if you want they will start your car up for you (you don’t even have to get up from the coitus position out of the back seat) and they will drive your car around for you while you and your girl are having multiple Happy Endings………………..marcythewhore

Letter # Two:


Dear Marcy, I am a white guy with freckles who is graduating from high school this year and a Marine Corp recruiter came by my house to talk to me. This is the problem. In high school I played offensive line on the high school football team. Me being a white guy with freckles made the team because I took lots of steroids and got my weight up to 260 pounds.

Which was great for high school football. But I don’t have the high ass and long legs that it takes to get a college scholarship to a play football at Notre Dame or Southern Cal or Miami or any other big time school. So maybe the United States Marines is the best deal going for me.

Now here is the problem. If I decide to join the Marines will they test me for steroid use? White Guy With Freckles in Uniform

Marcythewhore says: Dear Halls of Montezuma’s Revenge, get over yourself. Test you for steroids? What the hell for? You are going to be making only about sixteen thousand a year getting shot at. You aren’t some multi-million dollar hoop shooter or home run hitter. Ain’t nobody going to pay fifty dollars a ticket to go watch you get your ass blown off in Iraq by some roadside bomb. In fact, if you ask your Marine recruiter real nice the Corp will give you more steroids and amphetamines to keep you going on the Iraq battlefields………………..marcythewhore

Letter # Three:


Marcy, you cunt, a long time ago I was hitchhiking through California on my way to the Steinbeck museum when this girl in a flatbed Ford stopped to give me a ride. When I told her I was headed for the John Steinbeck Museum she got all hot and bothered and the next thing you know she pulls her flatbed off into an onion field and that was probably the best Happy Ending I ever had.

My problem is that I fantasize having another great Happy Ending like that one, but no one ever hitchhikes through California anymore. The police throw hitchhikers into jail. How can I fulfill my fantasy of a hitchhiking Happy Ending like no other………..Big Thumbed Guy in Modesto

Marcythewhore says: Dear Big Thumb it Don’t Count Unless You Got Big Toes Too, find yourself a girl you can read Vogon Poetry to. If you can’t hitchhike through California at least you can still hitchhike through the galaxy.

“Vogon Poetry is of course the third worst in the Universe. The Second Worst is that of the Azgoths of Kria. During a recitation by their Poet Master Grunthos the Flatulent of his poem “Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning” four of his audience died of internal hemorrhaging, and the President of the Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council survived by gnawing one of his own legs off.”

Zaphod Beeblebrox: You mean they want to arrest me over the phone? Could be. I'm a pretty dangerous dude when I'm cornered.
Ford Prefect: Yeah. You fall to pieces so fast that people get hit by the shrapnel.
Zaphod Beeblebrox: Hey, what is this? Judgement Day?
Arthur: Oh, do we get to see that as well? Terrific!

Marvin: Did I say something wrong? Sorry, pardon me for breathing which I never do anyway so I don't know why I bother to say it oh God I'm so depressed.

The Book: This is the story of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, perhaps the most remarkable, certainly the most successful book ever to come out of the great publishing corporation of Ursa Minor. More popular than the Celestial Home Care Omnibus, better selling than 53 More Things to Do in Zero Gravity, and more controversial than Oolon Colluphid's trilogy of philosophical blockbusters: Where God Went Wrong, Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes, and Who Is This God Person, Anyway?

Prosser: But the plans were on display.
Arthur Dent: On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar.
Prosser: That's the display department.
Arthur Dent: With a torch.
Prosser: The lights had probably gone.
Arthur Dent: So had the stairs.
Prosser: But you did see the notice, didn't you?
Arthur Dent: Oh, yes. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign outside the door saying "Beware of the Leopard." Ever thought of going into advertising?

Ford Prefect: And no sneaky knocking Mr. Dent's house down while he's away, all right?
Prosser: The slightest thought hadn't even begun to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing my mind.
Arthur Dent: Can we trust him?
Ford Prefect: Myself, I'd trust him till the end of the Earth.
Arthur Dent: Yes, but how far's that?
Ford Prefect: About twelve minutes away.

Vogon captain: What do you mean you've never been to Alpha Centauri? Oh, for heaven's sake, mankind, it's only four light years away, you know. I'm sorry, but if you can't be bothered to take an interest in local affairs, that's your own lookout. Energize the demolition beam. I don't know. Apathetic bloody planet. I have no sympathy at all.

Ford Prefect: How are you feeling?
Arthur Dent: Like a military academy. Bits of me keep passing out. Ford? If I were to ask you where the hell we were, would I regret it?
Ford Prefect: We're safe.
Arthur Dent: Ah. Good.
Ford Prefect: We're in a cabin of one of the spaceships of the Vogon Constructor Fleet.
Arthur Dent: Ah. This is obviously some strange usage of the word "safe" that I hadn't previously been aware of.

Ford Prefect: Listen. It's a tough universe. There's all sorts of people and things trying to do you, kill you, rip you off, everything. If you're going to survive out there, you've really got to know where your towel is.

Have a Happy Ending Weekend Hitchhiking………….marcythewhore

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Viagra and Beer

Dear Marcy, here is an article you might like to pass along to your readers......A Man With A Candy Jar

Marcythewhore says: How big a candy jar? Just asking. Anyway, I recommend vibrators and beer..........marcythewhore

Viagra and Beer

At least once or twice a week for the past year, one man's visit to a local bar for happy hour has meant beer and Viagra.

"You can drink and do whatever, and you don't have to think about it. It's automatic," he said.
To help hide his secret, he asked Local 2 to disguise his voice and hide his identity.
But many men, according to the station, share the tale he tells.

"I know one guy who basically has a candy jar of Viagra," he said.

Viagra was originally developed for older men. But now, the younger crowd is catching on, adding Viagra to their Friday night cocktails, just in case they might meet someone during the night.

"They're combining it with drugs like Ecstasy and sometimes with alcohol because what happens, sometimes, with those drugs, they cause a decrease in sexual function," said Dr. Pavan Grover.

Grover said younger men get the drugs as an insurance policy against the side effects of alcohol and drugs.

"When patients go to the doctors, they're asking for a six-pack, and they're not asking for a six-pack of beer, or wanting a six-pack of abs. They want Viagra," he said.

Since it came out in 1998, the number of men under the age of 45 taking Viagra has gone up 300 percent. That does not take into account those getting it without a prescription.

Doctors say men can get it through the Internet, through friends, and across the border.

Regardless, urologist Ned Stein said there is a legitimate medical reason for men under 30 to take Viagra.

"Psychological stress, social stress disorders, women's demands on males make it more demanding for men to perform," Stein said.

But doctors discourage taking Viagra as a recreational drug.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Humanoid Vibrators As Compatible Lovers

Hey, Marcy, I read about you breaking the seven inch rule with a vibrator. Do you think that one day vibrators will replace men and bring peace to the world? An Admire of Lucy Lawless and Nine Inch Vibrators

Marcythewhore says: Dear Lawless Clone, why not replace men with vibrators. Let the twits go out an kill themselves in war and what not. Seems that’s all men want to do. Go to war. Go to football games and get in knife fights.

What do men think we women are nowadays: Lysistrata clones?

I say let’s not try to convince men to do otherwise. Go to war and take lots of bullets with you so that you can kill each other off faster.

We women have our vibrators. And guess what men? Vibrators know more about foreplay than you guys know.

Get your glow in the dark seven inch vibrator here: http://www.hustlerhollywood.com/

Read about Lysistrata here: http://drama.eserver.org/plays/classical/aristophanes/lysistrata.txt

Take your pick what you want to do with your free time………marcythewhore

Monday, May 16, 2005

Marcy (me) Breaks the Six Inch Rule

Monday, May 16, 2005

Hi Marcy,...amazing how people can be shocked at this, but when I was in private school and Bible College, there were strict 6-inch rules there and no one touched anyone. No one could come withing six inches of the opposite sex.

Were the rules broken by students?!?!? ...yep... In private schools there were demerits and detentions -- in Bible College, depending upon the type of touch, there were sometimes complete suspensions. Here’s a recent story about the six inch rule in school.


Did I ever break the 6-inch rule? ...of course not. Marcy, did you ever break the six inch rule?.............Becky

Marcythewhore says: Sorry, honey, but I’ve broken the six inch rule all this past weekend long. It’s called a seven inch vibrator my boyfriend bought at one of Larry Flynt’s Hustler Hollywood Store.


My advice to bible college students everywhere is that if you go shopping for toys, make sure you get the right size.


Break the six inch rule with class. If you think you are woman enough, hell, break the nine inch rule.


Do enough discriminating shopping and you might be tempted to break the ten or twelve inch rule. Marcy (Me) advice when you go shopping to break measuring rules is to also buy plenty of edible lubricants.Remember this, dear readers. Distance was created to break………..marcythewhore

Thursday, May 12, 2005

John Paul ain't no Babe Ruth: The Dead Pope's Baseball Card

Dear Marcy, how long do you think it will take people to forget Pope John Paul II? Wondering in Des Moines

marcythewhore says: Where the fuck is Des Moines from the Vatican anyway? But my guess is that the people are already forgetting John Paul. Two weeks ago everyone was chanting "Make him a saint!" Now people are chanting "Who?" If you don't believe me, check out what this guy is going through with the Dead Pope's Baseball Card...............marcythewhore

The Pope’s Baseball Card Future:

The sports trading card generating the most buzz among collectors right now doesn't feature a baseball, basketball or football player. This captivating athlete was a soccer goalie who also liked skiing, swimming, hiking and kayaking.

His name: Pope John Paul II.

A one-of-a-kind card featuring the pontiff's autograph was released earlier this year by Topps, the best known maker of baseball cards. When the pope died last month, collectors wondered whether anyone had found the card and what it might fetch in a marketplace suddenly sizzling for all things John Paul.

The location has been determined. A collector in Stockton, Calif., beat 1-in-135,475 odds and plucked the pope rarity out of a $1.50 pack of otherwise ordinary baseball cards about two weeks before the pontiff died. The day before the pope's funeral, he sold the card to Jeff Hoekstra, the manager of a collectibles store in nearby Modesto.

How much is it worth? That's what Hoekstra is trying to find out.

He paid into four figures for the card, then immediately took it to eBay seeking a hefty profit. His first auction closed at $8,100 but the sale fell through, so he offered it up again for $6,999 but got no takers. His third try began Sunday and expires next Sunday. Like the first time, he started bidding at a penny and will take whatever he can get.

Hoekstra said his first posting drew so much interest within the first hour that "if someone had offered $15,000, I would not have taken it. ... I thought I could get about $25,000 or $30,000."
Now, however, "my thinking is, day by day, this card is getting less and less valuable," said Hoekstra, who is 32 and not Catholic.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Today’s Angel Sighting by Marcy (me)

Dear Marcy, I must say! Your blog is beyond great!
I simply can't stop laughing sometimes at some of the topics and content...LOL!!!
Why on earth don't you have your own column?!?!?!


Marcythewhore says: Who do you think owns this column? The United States Government? Well, actually this column of mine belongs to the Mafia, the Chicago Outfit. If you notice I will say nasty things about the government and the Popes but I won’t fuck with the mob.

While I’m at it, now is the time for Marcy (me) to bring the public the latest angel sighting.

Today’s angel comes to us in the form of a dog in Kenya, Africa. In fact that Kenyans have named this dog ‘Angel.’

The Angel dog had a litter of puppies when she found a human baby in the trash. The Angel in the shape of a dog picked up the baby and blanket to take back to her litter to feed and raise.

Everything was going great until humans discovered this Angel dog taking care of a human baby and they tried to take the baby away to a hospital. Now the Angel dog is suing to legally adopt the baby………………….marcythewhore

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The Virgin Mary Wars...Chicago Updates After Chicago Updates

Man arrested for allegedly defacing Virgin Mary image

Published: Friday, May 6, 2005

CHICAGO (AP) — Authorities painted over a yellow and white stain on a concrete wall of an expressway underpass that some believed was an image of the Virgin Mary after it was defaced, police said today.

Chicago police arrested a 37-year-old man early this morning for allegedly writing with black shoe polish the words "Big Lie" over the image, police spokesman David Banks said.

Virgin Mary Image Restored on Underpass

The Associated PressSaturday, May 7, 2005; 9:36 PM

CHICAGO -- A stain on the wall of an expressway underpass that some believe resembles the Virgin Mary is again attracting visitors after two car wash employees cleaned graffiti and brown paint off the image.

Rosa Diaz and Anna Reczek used a degreaser to clean the wall Friday on their lunch break.

Onlookers said they again could see the Virgin Mary. The Illinois Department of Transportation has said the stain was likely the result of salt runoff on the emergency turnoff area under the Kennedy Expressway.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Marcy’s (me) Half Mast Salute to Col. David Hackworth

Hey, Marcy. Did you know Col. David Hackworth died last Wednesday. I served under the Colonel in Vietnam. He was one officer who knew how to take care of his men. He made sure that the Vietnamese whores came to our camps instead of us having to go into Saigon to get laid. That way he made sure that the whores weren’t Vietcong prostitutes spreading around diseases. You know that AIDS really started in Vietnam, not by some monkey biting a guy in Africa. Col. Hackworth was brave enough of an officer that when he saw how corrupt and unwinnable the war was in Vietnam, he said so and walked away from his army commission. We guys who served under the Colonel salute him…..Viet Vet in New Jersey

Marcythewhore says: Dear Vet Now Working for Tony Soprano, marcy (me) agrees with you and gives Colonel David Hackworth a massage parlor type of half mast salute. We girls pull our dresses up over our heads in memory of one damn good soldier…….marcythewhore

Friday, May 06, 2005

Marcy (me) Blows Up Camel Jockeys With Her Joystick

US army to produce Mid-East comic: The US military is planning to win the hearts of young people in the Middle East by publishing a new comic. An advertisement on the US government's Federal Business Opportunities website is inviting applications for someone to develop an "original comic book series".

Marcythewhore says: Dear United States Government, marcy (me) is getting out her pen and pencil set.

Look out Stan Lee. Here comes marcythewhore with her new superhero creation.

My comic book hero has a joystick he holds between his legs. That joystick is connected to an interactive video game using real live people on the other end. My comic book hero uses her joystick to direct a satellite fed laser beam down to desert earth. Her laser beam disintegrates vital organs like the kidneys and spleen.

When my comic book hero isn’t playing with her interactive video game laser she is sending out high frequency sound waves to burst the eardrums of guys on camels……marcythewhore

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Jews and Christians and Muslims Play Soccer in the Afterlife

Rabbi Marcythewhore’s Pearls of Wisdom for the Day: Christians constantly speak of how great Heaven is, yet nobody wants to die.

Jews reject the concept of Heaven and Hell yet they are in a hurry to get nowhere by being buried before sundown.

Muslims get to do everything sinful with virgins in Paradise that they weren’t allowed to do on earth so they blow themselves up for tickets to the afterlife.

So, what’s the mystery that no one philosophically gets along?

“Okay, knights. Today is the first day of what will become known as the Hundred Years War. So let’s get out there in this first battle of many to come and make a rousing good start of it all.” Douglas Adams

The Nazis adopted the Arabic symbol of the swastika and aligned themselves with the Pope in Rome and murdered the Jews.

Now we have an ex-Nazi for Pope who is going to try to convince Germany to join in on the Holy Oil War against the Muslims (Why do you think they named an ex-Nazi Pope…to bring peace to the world. Not!).

Does anyone notice a Déjà vu all over again forming here?

To think that all this began with dinosaurs dying and turning into oil while Brown Shirt Christians claim that the world is only six thousand years old and that dinosaurs never really existed.

Have a Happy Holy Oil War everyone, and learn how to stiff arm salute while genuflecting…………………Rabbi Marcythewhore

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Smoking Pot, Reading Emails….The Pentagon, The Kremlin and the Vatican.

Diveacje said………Understand this point: I don't believe Benedict can appropriately be called a Nazi. THIS is what I am arguing. Not wheather Nazi actions were justified (they weren't), not wheather I think there is any excuse for Nazi actions (there isn't). Simply the fact that you labeled Benedict as a Nazi is what I am arguing. Nothing else.P.S. Skinny is wasting his life.P.P.S. Geobbels and his wife gave his children cyanide when they were sleeping….Diveacje

Marcythewhore said: Dear Diveacje Whatever That Name Means: If I were Dan Rather I’d be canned. You got me. Benedict is not a Nazi. He is an ex-Nazi. So was Adolph Eichmann when he was hanged in Israel for having simply followed orders.

To Sum It All Up, I Regret Nothing: Eichmann's Story…….The Confessions of Adolph Eichmann

But let me segue to another topic for a moment. Brain researchers did a test with a pot smoker and an email reader. They hooked up plugs to the brain of some guy smoking pot and some other plugs to the brain of some guy reading a lot of emails and they came up with this result: LONDON, England -- Workers distracted by phone calls, e-mails and text messages suffer a greater loss of IQ than a person smoking marijuana, a British study shows. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/04/22/text.iq/

Okay, back to the Nazi/ex-Nazi differential.

You see, the guy is Pope. He’s not the head of the Boy Scouts of America. He’s not the best salesman for Amway. He’s the fucking Pope of the world. Whether he’s a Nazi or an ex-Nazi, he wore a swastika and he was responsible for shooting down American and British bombers who were trying to destroy the BMW plant that used slave labor from the Dachau Concentration Camp. If you try to tell me that he didn’t know that the smoke coming from the Dachau prison camps were people, then you are telling me that you are really, really, really just following orders.

Now he is a Born Again Pope.

You know what Born Again people are? They are usually murderers and rapists who found Jesus in prison and they become Born Again Christians.

Benedict is a Born Again Pope. He is an ex-Nazi who defended Nazism during World War Two, and now he is Pope and he lives in the Vatican.

Why is it a big deal who lives in the Vatican?

Well, the Vatican is one huge war machine. The Vatican has been a huge war machine since the two centuries of the Crusades. The Vatican looked the other way while Mussolini banded with Hitler. As the war was coming to an end, the Vatican accepted gold from the Odessa to help people like Adolph Eichmann escape to South America (except Eichmann got caught in Argentina by Israeli agents who brought him to Israel and hung him in 1961).

But a lot of ex-Nazis who used the Odessa to escape the losing effort of the war were not caught. Some ex-Nazis came to America and went to work at the Ford Motor Plant in Detroit. Benedict became a priest in 1955, and now he is Pope of the Vatican. Let me repeat: The Vatican is one of the biggest war machines going.

There’s the Pentagon. There’s the Kremlin. And there’s the Vatican.

The Pope is an ex-Nazi.

Okay, let me share with you a few words about the Satanic Vatican of Nazi Germany:

“It was a cold winter morning, January 20, 1942. The chief of the Third Reich's security services, Reinhard Heydrich, had called the conference. 15 of the highest-ranking technocrats were to discuss "the Final Solution," including Adolph Eichmann, Friedrich Krizinger, and Dr. Wilhelm Stuckart.

While the plan to disenfranchise the Jews throughout Europe was already underway, with exterminations carried out in various places, it was time for greater efficiency. There were so many to be rid of—still 11 million---and it needed to be done more quickly.

In part, Hitler's program was aided by superstitious beliefs that evolved into an obsession with the occult. The Ahnenerbe, an arm of the SS commissioned in the mid-1930s to research the ancestral heritage of the Aryan race, roamed far and wide to find proof that only one race was meant to rule the world and that the Nazi vision of purification and world domination was supported by mythic forces.

They were to provide scientific documentation that would unite their ancient past with their destiny. Heinrich Himmler saw the men in his army as the reincarnation of Teutonic knights and kings, in particular the knights of King Arthur's round table.

He designed Wewelsburg Castle to be their Camelot, but Peter Levendra in The Unholy Alliance dubbed it that Satanic Vatican. “

Now, one more time: there is religion and there is war and there are Holy Wars and the Vatican has been behind many wars for two thousand years of history and the Pope is an ex-Nazi who was only following orders. ……………..marcythewhore

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

A Urine Stain on Gandhi’s Clothes and a Picnic for Skinheads and Jews for Jesus……

Diveacje said... I'm sure you would understand my defensive position when you compared me to a urine stain on your clothes.

Actually what aggravated me the most was that you called Benedict a Nazi at all. It seemed completely unfair of you to slap him with a label of which he is entirely undeserving. How can you call someone a Nazi when they didn't practice Nazi customs, or believe in Nazi teachings? Is it because he was FORCED to wear their uniform? Well...I certainly didn't know that dress was that important.

Please don't take a condescending tone. By (rightfully) defending Benedict against slander I am not "forgiv[ing] and forget[ting] the Nazis" in any part. Oh and "may we all learn a lesson in humility for your forgiveness of the Nazi atrocities committed by people who were merely following orders"?! What is this? You make it seem like I'm one of those people defending some low-ranking Nazi officer from the Nuremburg trials on account of "they were only following orders."

Please let me reiterate that Benedict (wait, I should go slower)...Benedict...did...NOT (< the "NOT" part is important)...commit...any...Nazi..."atrocities". And I wouldn't be defending him if he did. I think that argument is completely worthless……..Diveacje

Marcythewhore says: Dear In Need of Dry Cleaning Friend: Compare you to a urine stain on my clothes? I was comparing you to Gandhi. I was getting ready to debunk the belief that in this day and age another Gandhi could not walk this planet. If there is a reincarnation then you are Gandhi.

And what about those funny hats and heavy clothes they make Popes wear. Gee, when they sent the Nazis into Russia they didn’t give them half as much winter clothes as they needed. But, then again, Napoleon made that same mistake.

It wasn’t really me who called Benedict a Nazi. It was the world’s wire services and news organizations who said, “Oh, oh. The College of Cardinals just sent up a white plume of smoke to announce that they have chosen a former Nazi artillery officer to be the next Pope replacing the Polish John Paul II.”

All I said was, “Gee, that is weird. I mean, it’s not like they are naming him head of the Boy Scouts. He’s the Pope.”

You know, now that you mention it, when John Paul II was elected I never said anything about there having once been a very large Jewish population in Poland, before the Catholics killed them off. I just find it very strange that in the long history of Popes there have been some strange connections. But, look, let’s not be Polly-anish about this. You don’t get to be one of the biggest religions in the world without stepping on a few toes.

And who am I too condemn Benedict that out of 116 possible Cardinals up for the job they pick the only one who served in the Nazi army. I mean, I’m getting to be just like you. “So what?” Arnold Schwarzenegger’s father was a Nazi and Arnold is governor of California. Maybe all in all people just like Nazis. Kind of like they like gangsters like John Gotti. I mean, when Joseph Stalin died and they laid his body in state in the Kremlin more than 1500 were crushed to death in the melee to get inside to see Stalin’s body.

Okay, I see your point. People like Nazis and gangster and Joseph Stalin and other types of people who have very strange shadow lives. Hell, I’m a massage parlor whore and you should see the fan mail I get.

But I don’t recall having compared you to a urine stain on my clothes. I think what I said is that if I tried to debate you, a Jew who is defending a Nazi, that it would like pissing all over myself. I didn’t call you a urine stain.

I called you the reincarnation of Gandhi.

Six million Jews walked into a gas chamber thinking, “Hey, these guys are only following orders.” And you are Gandhi enough to see through the illusion of life.

I received an email from a neo-Nazi skinhead named ‘Skinny’ of all things. Skinny lives in Michigan. Here is the email I got from Skinny and I pass it along to you. You can either accept or reject Skinny’s very serious offer………….marcythewhore:

“Dear marcythewhore you dried up slut, what is with you. This is the first time they ever had a Pope I could like. I am going to have Benedict’s picture tattooed on my right arm right underneath my swastika. Now you go tell that Diveacje Jewish person who likes the new Pope too that I am going to have a weekend retreat in the Upper Michigan Peninsula. We skinheads are going to spend the weekend in the woods having cookouts and playing soccer. Tell Diveacje to bring all his Jewish friends on out to the woods to play soccer with us skinheads as we cook stuff like wild hogs in the ovens……..Skinny the Neo-Nazi Hero of Detroit.

"Gandhi murmured, "Hey, Rama (Oh, God)." A third shot rang out...

Monday, May 02, 2005

Marcythewhore Begs For Her Life…and the Soup Kitchen Nazi Expands To Your City.

Marcythewhore says: Dear Friends of my advice column, you may see me on this evening’s news, on a video tape begging for my life, as I have been taken hostage by Iraqi insurgents. That and I will also be announcing the opening of a new chain of Marcy’s (me) Chicago Based Massage Parlors in Iraq.

Meanwhile, the Nazi Soup Kitchen expands in the spirit of ‘Kumbaya my Lord!’……..marcythewhore

Chicago Tribune

April 29, 2005

“Soup Nazi” From Seinfeld to Launch a Soup Chain

According to the Chicago tribune our funny and rude New York soup maker aptly named the “Soup Nazi” is in the process of building a chain of the restaurants across north America. Undoubtedly, this success stems from the success of the episode on the hit T.V. show Seinfeld.

Each location will have a list of the rules that were reproduced on the show such as, “have your money ready”, but employees will be discouraged from shouting the classic, “no soup for you!” line.

I guess “Soup Nazi” was a little risqué a name for the franchise investors since the storefronts will be named “ The Original Soup Man” and will bear his logo as well as his picture.

There are over 130 contracts already signed to open locations of the store, and the investors hope to open over a thousand within 7 years. Soup Kitchen International was the original name for the still existing original restaurant.

Visit The Original Soup Man
[Via ChicagoTribune.com]

As in the "Seinfeld" episode, Yeganeh's real recipes are closely guarded secrets. He and his chefs have been working with experts at Rutgers University to adapt the recipes to preserve taste and freshness when making huge quantities of soup and shipping it across the continent, according to operations manager Linda Gavin.

"He is a typical high-strung chef," she said, and his manner was portrayed "pretty accurately" on "Seinfeld."

Kumbaya Somewhere in the Old Testament

Diveacje said:
I think you need to understand the fact that someone isn't a Nazi if they don't believe in Nazi teachings, or do Nazi actions.

Simply being is Hitler's Youth does not necessarily mean one is a Nazi, it simply means that they were forced into the group, just like every other person in the country.

So I am not, in fact, defending a Nazi.

I really don't know where you got the impression that Benedict was ever an artillary officer...it's simply not true. Here's a link for you to read, it would do you some good: http://bokertov.typepad.com/btb/2005/04/the_new_pope_wa.html

(I had to break it up...it wouldn't all go in for some reason)

Hopefully I've eliminated some ignorance here. In the future please do not make inane comments about people based on fabriacted half-truths. It's not polite......Diveacje

marcythewhore says: How sweet of you to eliminate ignorance in the world and to teach us all about good manners along the way.

Listen, I'm not condemning you for defending a former Nazi. Isn't there something in the bible about turning the other cheek.

I mean, that old maxim must be in the Old Testament somewhere too. For a Jewish person like yourself to forgive and forget the Nazis, well, that's got to make you a very, very large person with outstanding moral conviction.

Now, I have to be very honest with you in saying that I've spoken to other Jews about your stance and they really, really, really, really don't agree with you. But that's other Jewish people talking about you.

That's not Marcy (me) talking about you.

I publicly go on record as stating to you ‘Kumbaya my Lord!’ for having the courage and temerity to forgive and forget.

Light a little candle in my heart,

To shine right through the night.

Light a little candle in my heart,

To shine right through the night.

Light a little candle, Lord Jesus,

Light a little candle, Lord Jesus,

Light a little candle in my heart,

To shine right through the night.

Peace go with you my friend of the Old Testament, and may we all learn a lesson in humility for your forgiveness of the Nazi atrocities committed by people who were merely following orders………marcythewhore