Thursday, March 31, 2005

Corned Beef Sandwiches at Terry Schiavo Wake

marcythewhore says: Time to applaud the media for their understated elegance in the face of Terry Schiavo's death.

The media has unanimously approved corned beef sandwiches to be served at the Schiavo wake.

The media could easily have asked for, and gotten, steak and shrimp with plenty of side trimmings.

But in light of the sensitive nature of the Schiavo death, the media has opted for the understated elegances of corned beef. Three cheers for the media................marcythewhore

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Marcy guesses how long Terry 'The Camel' Schiavo Will Live

Dear Marcy, now that Johnnie Cochrane is dead, do you have a guess how long it will be before Terry Schiavo dies.........Tampa Bay Bandit

marcythewhore says: Dear kind Bandido, I figure Terry 'The Camel' Schiavo will live until at least the Fourth of July. And maybe until the Fourth of July of 2006.

You see, dear masked bandit, Terry 'The Camel' got the way she is because she was bulemic. Which meant that she gorged herself with food, then stuck her finger down her throat to vomit. And she vomited just once too much. Seems that the doctors say that when you throw up a lot you mess up your brain stem's electrical circuitry. Terry 'The Camel' threw up until the electrical impulses to her heart blew a fuse when she was still in her early twenties.

For the past fifteen years someone has been pumping liquid food into this brain dead bulemic girl, except she hasn't been sticking her finger down her throat to throw up. For fifteen years she's been storing up food like a camel.

Terry 'The Camel' Schiavo could live on her storehouse of food well past a few Fourth of July bar-b-cues.

As for Johnnie Cochrane, in case you haven't heard, Cochrane's last words were: "If the tumor is to big you better begin to dig".......marcythewhore

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Can Dead Men Vote Twice in Chicago

Dear marcythewhore, I was wondering if deadmen can vote twice inChicago. Back in Al Capone's day it was siad that a drunk votecosts $1, a dead vote costs $1.25, a double vote by a dead man cost a whopping $2. Being that there are only so many drunks, and only so many votes in a cemetary, it sounds reasonable to pay extra for double votes by corpses. But those prices were for 1932 votes. What with today's staggering inflation, can dead men afford to vote twice anymore? West Side Undertaker

marcythewhore advises West Side Undertaker: Kind sir, I don't get myself involved too much into politics. We here at marcy's massage parlor are content in massaging politicians. We don't massage dead people. I don't care how much you are willing to pay to get your dearly departed great uncle one last massage before the dirt hits the top of his coffin..........marcythewhore

Monday, March 28, 2005

Exhibitionists Unite on the World's Stage Before Surveillance Cameras

marcythewhore says: Dear Gentle Reader Who is Currently Photographing Your Genitalia to Exhibit on the Webcam........we of the massage parlor industry appreciate you exhibitionists. Without your fetishes and wit the average Joe or Jane wouldn't know just how many shapes and sizes of cocks and vaginas there really are.

In honor of exhibitionism everywhere, let's take the art of flashing your clit or your penis veins to a higher ground. It's time to honor the Surveillance Camera Players of stage and if not screen, of surveillance cameras around the wordl.........marcythewhore

Only someone completely distrustful of all governmentwould be opposed to what we are doing with surveillance cameras.-- NYC Police Commissioner Howard Safir, 27 July 1999.

the Surveillance Camera Players: completely distrustful of all government.

photographs of performances
by the Surveillance Camera Players (SCP)
Amnesia (a play by the SCP)
Times Square "webcam," Manhattan, 4 May 2002. The SCP-New York presents Amnesia by Denis Beaubois. I have amnesia. I couldn't help but notice that you are watching me and that you've been watching me all day, everywhere I go. So, maybe you can help me.

Lucille's Caterers Cater to Media Covering Schiavo

Marcythewhore says: Dear gentle readers of the Right to Live or Die or Whatever Bent. It's almost over. Even a camel can't go without water forever.

It's been a trying couple of weeks at the Terry Schiavo stronghold. The Bulemic woman who fifteen years ago made herself vomit just one too many times is going to meet the Lord.

A lot of people have put in a lot of personal effort in the Schiavo situation. Congress has forsaken their spring break. Bush flew to from Texas to Washington in his pajamas. The media has been tireless in helping all of us forget the men and women and children being killed in Iraq.

Let me take this moment to honor an unsung hero of the Schiavo situation. My friend Lucille Carter Caterer's Service. Lucille's Tampa based business has been busy, busy, busy catering to the hordes of media gathered outside the hospice center where Terry Schiavo has lain throughout the entire controversy over whether to pull the feeding plugs or not.

Lucille, here's to you for making sure our proud and vigilant media people have been able to keep their nourishment up with your bar-b-cue chicken, baked potatoes, tossed salad and pastas of all varieties.

Without people like Lucille Carter's Caterers America would not be able to keep it's gears greased and running......................marcythewhore

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Camilla Does the British Throne Like a Trailer Hitch

LONDON - Camilla Parker Bowles can become queen after all, despite earlier statements by Prince Charles that she will take a lesser title after marrying him, the government said Monday.

marcythewhore says: Dear kind readers of massage parlor news: marcy told you so. Priness Di was never going to be queen. You can tell these things about another woman. Di couldn't give good head. She had one of those haircuts that shouted out, "You want me to suck what?"

Camilla is a smart girl. She can suck the chrome off the royal throne. Camilla is going to replace Elizabeth as Queen of England some day.

Once again England will have a queen who can give good head, something England hasn't had since the Virgin Queen years a few centuries ago............marcythewhore

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Backside of the Animatronic Pope.....

Ken Doll for Jesus writes to Marcy: Dear Marcy, here it is Easter and I'm worried about your soul. I'm worring so much that I am praying fervently for your redemption. Can't you do something to save yourself. Can't you simply wish the world a Happy Easter. Ken Doll for Jesus

Marcythewhore advises Ken Doll for all Seasons: Kenny, baby, I hope the Village People everywhere can find soft boiled eggs to grease up their bodies with so they can go have themselves a soft egg wrestling match with each other.

Rub those soft body parts together, Kenny and the cop and the construction worker and the Indian Chief and the priest in the confession booth and whover else shows up for your clambake.

By the way, has anyone besides Marcy (me) noticed that on Good Friday nodoby saw the Pope's face. All camera work was on the back side of the Pope. No full frontal clothed Pope pictures.

You wonder why, don't you?

Might be because they tried and tried to keep the Holy See Through alive through the holidays but now they are using an animatronic Pope to get through to Monday.

I don't know why they don't go the Hollywood route and use a body double. I've seen the body doubles Robert DeNiro uses. Sweat to Walt Disney, DeNiro has paid doppelgangers running all over the movie sets doing his body double stunts. Guys that look just like the real deal.

You mean in all of Christianity they can't find another Pollock that looks like John Paul?

Maybe that's what went wrong with John Paul I, the reason the first JP dude died so suddenly after just being nominated the top honcho in the Catholic realm. The first John Paul looked just like every other Italian on the North Side of Boston. That wasn't going to work, keeping the first John Paul alive. Every dago in Boston would come out on Halloween looking like the Pope.

So they got Mario Puzo to figure out how to get rid of the first John Paul, then they named a Polish priest who looks like nobody else.

Worked for a while, didn't it?

Except now they have to use an animatronic Pope to get through to Monday.

Happy Easter, Village People......................marcythewhore

Friday, March 25, 2005

‘Ken and Barbie Dolls For Jesus’ on a Mission From God…and the Da Vinci Code Painting Controversy

Pious from Peoria writes to Marcy: Dear Marcy, what do you think of Dan Brown’s assertion in his novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’ that in Da Vinci’s painting of the ‘Last Supper’ that the man sitting on Jesus’s right is really a woman, Mary Magdalene, Jesus’s wife?

Marcythewhore advises Pious in the Land of Lincoln: Dear Pious, she ain’t Julia Roberts in that painting, that’s for sure.

Before I get into art works I want to pin the blame for the phenomenon of the ‘Ken and Barbie Dolls For Jesus’ squarely on the shoulders of the Blues Brothers.

What was that famous line from the movie, “We’re on a mission from God!” That Dan Aykroyd promised John Belushi.

Ever since then the humorless ‘Ken and Barbie Dolls For Jesus’ couples of the world thought the Blues Brothers were talking directly to them.

You do know who the ‘Ken and Barbie Dolls For Jesus’ people are about, don’t you?

It always happens. You’re at a party or some gathering that has nothing to do with either politics or religion and into the room comes this almost lifelong composite couple who are doppelgangers of the inanimate Ken and Barbie dolls. Except these Born Again converted heroin addicts have grins from ear to ear (You can take the needle out of the arm of a Born Again but you can’t ever wipe that drug induced grin off their faces).

And like they are on a Mission from God espoused by the Blues Brothers themselves, ‘Ken and Barbie For Jesus’ just got to tell you about their religious afflicted political beliefs. No matter how many times you tell them you don’t give a shit. They go on like if the Peace Corp had more crucifixes to hand out to starving Pakistani children they’d of joined.

While Ken and Barbie Born Again are prattling on about Jesus in the White House, you can’t help but ask yourself a few intimate questions about these two.

Perceptions, you know!

Like, do these two ex-junkies still have sex with each other?

I mean, the Ken Doll For Jesus must have a very, very small penis.

While the Barbie Doll For Jesus must have a vaginal cavity the size of Carlsbad Cavern, for some metaphysically inexplicable reason. She couldn’t feel anything if he tried to penetrate her enormous yaw with his miniscule rod anyway. No chance of original sin from orgasm her on her part. She could use a bushel of vibrating apples from the Garden of Eden tree to get it on with.

As for your question about Dan Brown’s assertion that the guy sitting next to Jesus is really a woman, why not? So what if Da Vinci cross-dressed in the studio? Art experts say that the Mona Lisa is really Da Vinci without a beard. Big deal!

But I’ve got to say this much about the Virgin Mary Birth Canal legend the church has created. That Mary gave birth to the Son of God that spawned endless hours of Christmas shopping in Wal-Marts all around the world.

I’m not sure what image the church elders expected to implant in my mind with the enormity of the virgin birth thing.

But I have this image of the Virgin Mary having a womb the size of a Parisian train station…………….marcythewhore

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Jolly Beggar...Another White Man Who Can't Jump

jollybeggar said...
well, if they ever pass the s.e.a. then michael moore will be the first one against the wall for his work on 'fahrenheit9-11'...for the record, i still avoid jack nicholson on the street when i see him, lest he choose to expose himself and be taken away... i can't afford the time it would take to attend the inquiry that might result from simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Marcy advises Jolly Boy: You fun guy, you. You've been going to Laker's games again trying to thow a pie in Jack Nicholson's face, haven't you? Well, Jolly, I'm going to let you in on a simple little secret about the best actor to have ever portrayed Satan. Michael Moore is making a movie about Jack Nicholson's doppelgangers. The movie is going to be called:


Don't you just love those movie titles where they repeat the name? Kind of like some South Sea Island production.

Anyway, Jolly, in the meantime why don't you have some dreams about, say, Daryl Hannah for a while and give up those Nightmares on Elm Street episodes you are having with Jack......marcythewhore

Leeward Island Mysteries That Don't Include Chicago

where the hell did you go?
may i continue to read your stuff some place?

Marcythewhore advises madalan: My goodness in Heaven. Can't a girl take a vacation in the islands without everyone giving up on massage therapy? Has everyone forgotten the lost art of masturbation while Marcy (me) sunbathes on a Leeward Island in between devestating hurricane seasons?

Well, kids, all you have to do is ask Marcy (me) a pertinent question and Marcy (me) has something esoteric to spout off.

Except that I'm not divulging anything personal about my island beach experiences with the merpeople's dolphin population. Ah, well, back to work in my chain of Chicago based massage parlors catering to the boys in the Outfit......marcythewhore

Terry Schiavo To Be Cryogenically Sealed in With Walt Disney

A Canadian in Florida asks: Dear Marcy, what is going to happen to this Terry Schivao person? Canadian in Florida

Marcy advises the White Skinned Person With a Bad Sunburn: To me, Florida Governor Jeb Bush is sexy for his brains. Some men have muscles and nice body tone. I know all about that because I own a chain of massage parlors. Jeb has really good and sexy brains.

Jeb obviously stayed up all night to come up with a plan to do something with Terry Schiavo.

Since Terry has been dead and kept breathing by geegaws and other machines for fifteen years just a few hours drive from Orlando, Jeb Bush has decided that it would be good to join Terry with Walt Disney in sub-zero containment in a stainless steel vault.

Now, if the mom and pop duo (who are signing lucrative book and television deals for the story of their long dead daughter whose brain stem is the consistency of Gator Ade) can get the Supreme Court to reconsider about this cryogenic proposal………oh, come on, who are we kidding. Nobody can afford for Terry Schiavo to die now! Not while the book deal is in pre-publication discussions.

And what about the Disney Studio’s plan to make a G-Rated made for television movie about the entire ordeal starting with when Terry Schiavo died fifteen years ago (except who is going to explain why somebody didn’t bring the poor girl to Walt Disney’s frozen crypt long before this date?).

What is with this mysterious Doctor X that Governor Jeb Bush says will testify against all the doctors who ever looked at Terry Schiavo, whoever Doctor X is? Yep, Doctor X is willing to testify that a whole medical school full of doctors have lied and lied and lied for fifteen years as they purposely misdiagnosed Terry Schiavo (to hell with the malpractice lawsuits, let’s all tell lies upon lies).

Right! When was the last time a doctor ever testified against another doctor?

Like maybe the case where the guy had the wrong leg amputated during surgery cause the surgeon could tell right from left, and the one-legged guy’s family went looking for a second surgeon who’d testify against the first surgeon?

Sure, happens all the time in modern American medicine.

But Marcy (me) is going to make a prediction as to what will become of Terry Schiavo. Just like Larry King intimated, there will be a miracle at work. The tooth fairy will deliver Gator Ade to keep Terry alive while negotiations are being conducted with Stephen King to write a really long book on this story about Zombies whose hearts are kept pumping by machines that usually clean swimming pools………marcythewhore

Friday, March 18, 2005

One Way to Pay for a Sex Change Operation

Colombian Cash Pile:

Imagine reaching for some leaves to use as toilet paper and instead finding a plastic container filled with cash. That’s what happened to Wilson Sandoval, a Colombian soldier fighting rebels in the jungle in 2003. Within minutes his battalion located up to $80 million, assumed to have been buried by rebels. According to the Houston Chronicle, “The soldiers abandoned their mission…many went on a three-day bender, quaffing 12-year-old scotch, renting out entire bordellos, and buying luxury SUVs.

One man used his share of the plunder for a sex-change operation.”

Half the unit is still said to be AWOL.

Pizza Hair

Fast-food chain Pizza Hut today issued a reassurance to customers using its Swansea restaurant after a cook was convicted of putting his pubic hairs in the food. Swansea magistrates were told last week how pony-tailed Simon Dimmock, aged 23, of Pleasant Street, Swansea, pulled out five of his pubic hairs and cooked them into a pizza base after becoming annoyed when an order came in at the end of his shift. The meal was ordered by five police officers on a late-night meal break at Swansea Central Police Station. One of the officers had noticed a hair but initially thought it was one of his own, only realising the terrible truth when he found another. By that time, four of the officers had tucked in with one getting through three slices before the hairs were discovered.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Satan Exposure Act

Big Buck in Iowa asks: Dear Marcythewhore, do you believe in God you heathen harlot you?

Marcy advises Big Buck: Anyway, back in 1969 congress passed the Extra Terrestrial Exposure Law.

You don't have to take my word for it, look it up for yourself.

We were (figuratively speaking as Americans en masse) getting ready to walk on the moon. Congress got this idea that Neil Armstrong and crew might find living breathing things on the moon. If these living breathing things came to earth, all chaos could erupt if everyday people began cavorting with ETs.

We can't have that happening in our control silly environment, can we?

So congress passed the ET Exposure Act which states that you can go to prison if you make contact with an ET.

Now, nobody is quite sure if this silly law has ever been used. Because to use the law to arrest someone for stalking or talking to an Et entails the arresting officer admitting that they know of an ET in the vicinity.

Something like a Catch-22...or trying to define someone's version of God.

Supposedly this 1969 congressional law has been repealed, or simply buried somewhere because nobody on Capitol Hill will admit they've had anything to do with this.

I mean, an airline pilot could see a flying saucer land on the wing of his 747 in flight and that pilot wouldn't admit to seeing a UFO for fear of losing his job forever and a day. Congress people can get voted out of office if they start talking too much about ETs.

Then there was the space shuttle disaster over Texas a while ago. People supposedly were arrested for picking up debris from the shuttle remains plummeting to earth.

They violated the ET Exposure Act that no one will admit even exists as law.

Widows and wondering what became of their husbands who had picked up space debris and disappeared.

Someone jokingly said in the halls of congress, "Next we'll be passing a "God Exposure Act" of some fashion.

Or a "Satan Exposure Act."

Nobody in congress laughed.

In fact, a lot of congress people looked at each other nervously.

You don't think they already did that and won't admit to it, do you?.........marcythewhore

Zen Blindfolded Massage Parlor Happy Ending

Confused in Anchorage asks: Dear Marcythewhore, what do you people do in a massage parlor that is spiritual?

Marcy says to Confused: Ever hear of the blindfolded Zen archer? Well, we are the blindfolded Happy Ending.

But let's get semi-serious here, Confused. If you want spiritual, first you have to respect every denomination of massage parlors worldwide. You can't just say that 'your' personal preference for a massage parlor is better than anyone else's personal preference for a massage parlor. You can't claim that your Happy Ending is better than everyone else's Happy Ending.

And forget that tripe about if everyone else doesn't convert to your kind of Happy Ending then they are going to a place of perpetual Unhappy Endings.

Now, back to the blindfolded Zen archer/blindfolded Happy Ending analogy.

You want to hit that Happy Ending bull's eye? Close your eyes and imagine your target. 'See' your Happy Ending with your heart and mind, not with your eyes.

Don't aim the Happy Ending. Just pitch the Happy Ending.

By the way, what denomination of massage parlors is most popular in Alaska anyway...............marcythewhore

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

St. Patty's Day Preparation Stuff

Arwyn Dreamwalker is a Shaman of Irish and Native American descent who has worked with Elders from many of the world’s Dreaming traditions. She has been a practising therapist for over 28 years and has spent the last 13 years building a Rainbow Bridge between Turtle Island and the Blessed Isles. In this article she speaks as the Dreamer from the place of the Dream itself and invites us to step beyond the place of the mind and read these words from the place of the Dreamer inside ourselves.

Listening to the AncientsThose who are the Ancients of many cultures, who by virtue of the Sacred paths they have walked with their Hearts, have manifested their Soul’s Dream, have left messages for us in this time and still reach out from their realms. They are the Wise Ones who knew how to live in harmony with their times and the worlds of Grandmother Earth. From their Inner Temples they dream and guide us, helping us to prepare ourselves for the changes ahead, helping us to release the old and unimportant, awakening and strengthening our Sacred Dream, helping us to align with the evolving energies of Grandmother Earth, and the Sacred, so we may pass through to the future with a Dream to offer. These Ancient Dreamers call to us in the stillness of prayer and meditation, to awaken in the Dreamtime to take the next spiral of the Journey of our Soul’s Dream. They call us to intend forward, to a time where we have healed, transformed, and transmuted the conflicts within ourselves and with the world around us. They remind us that we have not been forsaken, for the connections to the Sacred are in abundance, the teachings freely given, the Pathtrails lit up, the sings echoing for all who will heed the call and respond. The Dreamers come in this time as our guides and teachers to illuminate our many possibilities, and show us how to dream this essence into our worlds. Their gift and blessing to us in this time is the master key of the Soul; in awakening this master key we set about receivingthe higher evolution of the Soul itself. With this awakening we open ourselves to infinite pathways of reality, learning to discern truth from illusion, and learning the most intimate of sharing and bonding with the Universe.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Obituary for a Rocker Whore....Beatallica....Transexuals (and just another day in the massaage parlor industry)

Marcythewhore says: Today's good and challenging news........

“DAVIE, Fla. -- Danny Joe Brown, the lead singer of the Southern rock band Molly Hatchet, died of complications from diabetes, his family said Monday. He was 53.
In 1975, the Jacksonville native joined Molly Hatchet, named after a Southern prostitute who allegedly beheaded and mutilated her clients.”

Beatles-Metallica Parody Band Forced Offline…………March 15, 2005 · A Milwaukee-based parody band known for Metallica-infused covers of Beatles' songs has been accused of violating copyright laws. After posting songs from their catalog online, the band received a cease-and-desist letter from Sony/ATV Music Publishing demanding that they take down their Web site and pay unspecified damages. The band had gained a large Internet following for songs like "I Want to Choke Your Band" and "Leper Madonna."

And Marcythewhore challenges you to decide who is the best looking man…er…woman…….

A Christian Debates the Massage Parlor Whore about Literature and Mythology…and loses….

Jolly Beggar wrote: “well, the odd syntax is not masonic or in any other way esoteric in nature. it's the opening couple of pages from james joyce "portrait of the artist as a young man" (for anyone that might have been wondering- 'stephen dedalus is his real name... ) nice work, marcy, in amalgamating icarus' little red hen story and my blog on the names we choose to live by.”

Marcythewhore advises Jolly Beggar to do a little more Joyce-ian studies: My, my, Jolly Person You, but you do try to confuse the issue, don’t you? That’s called ‘Obfuscation.’ Joyce patterned his Stephen little character after the story of Daedalus and Icarus in his ‘Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.’ A simple little maxim about flying too close to the sun sun sun sun. Little Red Hen story? Masons? Pyramids with eyes and all that. My, my…..marcythewhore

“One significant use of symbolism in "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" is the myth of Icarus and Daedalus. Like Icarus and Daedalus , Stephen is wandering and seeking his identity. Because he is on a path to self-discovery, Joyce has Stephen walk the path of many roads. For instance, Stephen is wandering the streets when he happens upon his first sexual encounter. We are told that he "wandered into a maze of narrow and dirty streets" (100). Stephen also wanders "swiftly throughout he dark streets" (139) when he is struggling with his sin. He "walked on and on through illicit streets, fearing to stand still for a moment lest it might seem that he held back from what awaited him" (140). After his confession, we are told the "muddy streets were grey" as a purified Stephen made his way home. Stephen must balance his desire to leave his country with his own abilities. To avoid making a bad decision such as Icarus did, Stephen decides to spend more time at the university and develops his craft of writing.”

“Daedalus , in Greek mythology, craftsman and inventor. After killing his apprentice Talos in envy, he fled from Greece to Crete. There, he arranged the liaison between Pasiphaë and the Cretan Bull that resulted in the Minotaur. At the order of King Minos, he built the Minotaur's labyrinth. When Minos refused to let him leave Crete, Daedalus built wings of wax and feathers for himself and his son Icarus. Together they flew away, but Icarus flew too close to the sun and fell to his death when the wax melted. Daedalus escaped to Sicily.”

Monday, March 14, 2005

Studs for Hire in Press Corp


Statement by the Press SecretaryMR. McCLELLAN:Good morning, distinguished and virile gentlemen of the news media.Please be seated. Well, except for the new correspondent fromPowerBottoms.Com – because you are looking just fine right where youare, Kyle.Today, in the wake of a certain uneventful, non-scandalous resignation,President Bush has directed me to promptly fill all vacancies here inHis beloved Press Pool – in a manner befitting the tight, beefed-upsecurity desired by a nation entrenched in the communal showers of war.

All top-notch fellas are strongly encouraged to apply using the all-newquick and easy form.We're looking for a few high-caliber men – rough and ready media proswith an insatiable hunger for exposing facts, who'll probe deep for thetruth,willing to stay on top to get to the bottom of things, but showing thenecessary versatility to bring a whole new meaning to the term"rock-hard news."I eagerly await your applications.

PRESS POOL APPLICATIONPERSONAL INFORMATION:Full Name: Date of Male Birth: / /Address:City: State: ZIP:Weight: lbs. Height: Length: Girth:Body Fat: Eye Color:

Cut UncutOrientation: Top Bottom BipartisanFORMAL JOURNALISM EDUCATION & TRAINING:Degree:PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: (Note: Eligible Candidates Must Select at LeastSIX of the Respected Media Outlets Below)Assoc. Press Reuters Gannett News NY Times Co. Warner Bros.News Corp. M4M-TV Moonie Times Gigolo Journal Exxxstacy-USAPatriotasticPropaganda*Process my application

*CONGRATULATIONS!YOU'RE HIRED!'MaleProstitute PRESSPASSAll Access ~Karl'Next Steps:1. Click the press pass above to acquire your Official White House PressCredentials.2. Next Monday morning, promptly at 7:00am, present your pass to theSecret Service guard at the North Gate to enjoy no-holds-barred accessto every nook and crevice of the White House complex – and its staff.3. Make Edward R. Murrow proud.» E-MAIL THIS PAGE TO A FELLOW REPUBLICAN «©2001-2005 - a chickenhead productions parody

Where to Find Dan's Search for Hell

Dan comes into my massage parlor and he wants marcy (me) to help him find hell.

"Okay," I said to Dan. "Whatever you want to pay for. You want to pay for a Happy Ending, you get a Happy Ending. You want to pay for hell, you get hell."

If any of you are looking for Dan's search for hell, go here:

marcythewhore getting paid for advertising for dans search for hell.........

The 28 Inch Lover...Magical Intercourse with Spirits

Sexual Alchemy: Magical Intercourse with Spirits
by: Donald Tyson

Chances are that you've heard of Tantra and Taoist sexual practices. Now, as a result of studying the inner mysteries of alchemy, Donald Tyson presents a Western system of sacred sexuality in Sexual Alchemy. Here you will learn how to have erotic relationships with loving spirits. That means the methods presented here can function as a Western alternative to Eastern sexual practices. They also can be used by a solitary person and need not depend upon the participation of a partner.
The first part of this book presents a history of sex with spirits. It also goes into the secrets of Eastern internal alchemy and how the books of Western alchemy often made secretive references to sexual magick. You will also learn how to create a physical representation of the spirit you are going to use as a partner.
The second part of the book includes the practices and techniques which the author found to be effective from other sources or developed himself. This includes techniques of diet, exercise, breathwork, banishings, purifications, and finally, an invocation ritual to summon the spirit who is going to be your lover!
Then you will learn the previously hidden secrets of having sex with a spirit lover. You'll learn how to prepare and recognize the signs that this is an actual occurrence and not simply a fantasy. And then, when you have accomplished your ritualized mating, you will learn how to collect and use the resulting, highly charged fluids for magical purposes.
Everything we are, everything we have, is a gift from the Divine. Doesn't it make sense that we use all of our abilities to honor the source from which they came? That means we can even make use of our sensual natures to honor the Gods. If you want to follow a system based on western traditions, this book can be your guide.

Spirit Sex in Magic and Religion Books: Sexual Alchemy: Magical Intercourse With Books: Sexual Alchemy: Magical Intercourse With Spirits by Donald ASIN/1567187412/ref=nosim/magic12-20 - 73k - Cached - Similar pages

Friday, March 11, 2005

ERica is looking for you...and other weekend thoughts....

Marcy says: It's Friday. What do you want to think about for the weekend? Football season is over. If you like basketball, fine, think about basketball. For everyone else, think about sex. Here is a blog spot to think about Erica's sex............marcythewhore

Sex in MY city
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
20 places I’ve had sex/ given bjs (random order)20 places I’ve had sex/ given bjs (random order)

Coach does a licking, King Tut and the Medicis

Marcy says: It's Friday. Time for academic thinking before you go on a weekend beer drinking binge. Here are some interesting highlights to earnestly think about..........marcythewhore

Coach accused of licking player's cutsBy Associated Press Posted March 9 2005

HALSEY, Ore. -- A state panel plans to investigate a high school football coach who acknowledged licking a bloody cut on the knee of one of his players.The Oregon Teacher Standards and Practices Commission decided to look at the case after a parent complained that Central Linn High School coach Scott Reed's behavior threatened student safety and health.Reed, 34, who also teaches science, acknowledged the incident last year after the
parent's complaint. The school district placed him on probation and required him to take a "bloodborne pathogens" course.Police investigated, but Reed was not arrested. "Sometimes there are actions that are socially unacceptable or bizarre that aren't necessarily criminal," Linn County Sheriff Dave Burright said.The student whose knee was licked told police Reed had given team members a pep talk about a coach licking and healing injured players' wounds so they could get back in a game.Team members urged Reed to do the same for a bleeding scab on the student's knee, and Reed did after asking permission. A witness said Reed seemed to be "joking around" and the licked athlete was not offended, the police report said.Contacted by The Register-Guard newspaper of Eugene, Reed refused to comment.Saliva-to-blood contact poses a small risk of disease transmission, said Dr. Sarah Hendrickson, public health officer at Lane County Public Health in Eugene."We do know that animals lick their own wounds," she said. "And it may be that saliva has some healing properties. But my very strong recommendation is that you confine yourself to licking your own wounds."The state commission licenses and disciplines teachers and administrators.

King Tut not slain, researchers disclose

By Thomas H. Maugh IILos Angeles Times
Refuting some modern conspiracy theories, the death of Egypt’s most well-known ruler, Tutankhamen, was not because of foul play, Egyptian researchers said Tuesday after examining Tut’s mummy with a sophisticated CT scanner for the first time.
The team still does not know how the 19-year-old boy-king died around 1323 B.C. But the most likely explanation is a natural cause, such as a flu infection, or a bacterial infection associated with a broken leg, said Zahi Hawass, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, who organized the project.
The findings come as a blow to a number of Egyptologists, who have suggested elaborate conspiracies against the king.
“There has been so much wild speculation about the cause of death, most of it based on very poor observations,” said Emily Teeter, of the Oriental Institute Museum at the University of Chicago. “I’m delighted to find out that those of us who have been very conservative about this have to some extent been vindicated.”
Much of the speculation has been based on previous X-rays of Tut’s skull, which showed broken fragments at the back, possibly indicating a skull fracture. Based on that purported fracture, researchers such as Bob Brier of Long Island University have woven theories about murder and intrigue.
But the new CT scans clearly show that the skull fracture occurred well after Tut’s death, possibly during the embalming process, but more likely about 3,200 years later when explorer Howard Carter discovered Tut’s tomb and dismantled the body to remove almost 150 jewels, amulets and other artifacts.
Some archaeologists had found support for the murder theory in the accepted belief that Tut’s embalming had been hurried and careless.
But the team found extensive evidence, including the presence of five different embalming materials, that great time and care had been taken in the mummification of the king.
“Conspiracies are not beyond the realm of possibility, but at least in this case, if there was a murder, it didn’t happen because of a blow to the skull,” said archeologist David Silverman of the University of Pennsylvania Museum.
The scans unexpectedly revealed a fracture in the left femur (thigh bone) of the king’s leg. The break is ragged and has two layers of embalming materials present within the fracture zone. That differs from the sharp bone breaks known to have been produced by Carter’s team in its effort to pry the body out of its coffin.
The team is divided on the fracture’s significance. Some members think the break occurred a few days before Tut’s death, which might have resulted from an infection in the wound. Others think the break occurred after death and that Carter’s team inadvertently forced the embalming material into the opening.
Silverman noted that an unusually large number of walking sticks were in the tomb, which might support the idea that Tutankhamen fractured his leg. “But the truth of the matter is, the early Egyptians like walking sticks and used them a lot,” he said.
The scans determined that Tutankhamen was about 5-foot-6 with a slight build. The condition of the bones indicated he was between the ages of 18 and 20 when he died. There were no signs of malnutrition or infectious diseases during childhood, and he appeared to have been well fed and well cared for.
Although the king’s teeth were in relatively good shape, he had a small cleft in his hard palette, the bony roof of the mouth, although it probably did not affect his appearance. His lower teeth were slightly misaligned and he had large front incisors and an overbite – both characteristic of kings from his line.
Hawass said Tuesday the mummy has been placed back into its tomb and is unlikely to be disturbed again.
“I believe these results will close the case of Tutankhamen, and the king will not need to be examined again,” he said. “We should now leave him at rest.”

Malaria, not murder, killed Renaissance-era MedicisBY BRYN NELSON Sun-Sentinel Posted March 9 2005, 9:23 AM EST

Two brothers in the Medici dynasty of Renaissance Italy likely were not the long-rumored victims of murder, a new analysis of their centuries-old bones has concluded.Despite the tremendous wealth and power of the Florence-based family, one that produced popes and intellectuals, commissioned art by Michelangelo and protected Galileo from persecution, the two teenagers and their mother instead may have succumbed to a disease that killed without regard to fame or fortune: malaria.

"We found no signs of violence at all, none at all," said Long Island University archaeologist and mummy expert Bob Brier to a crowd of about 200 gathered for his public presentation Tuesday at the C.W. Post Campus in Brookville.Brier, who assisted a research team from the University of Florence and University of Pisa during last summer's exhumations, said the scientists had received permission to examine up to 49 bodies in crypts beneath Florence's famed Chapel of the Medici within the larger Chapel of San Lorenzo.The researchers, led by University of Pisa pathologist Dr. Gino Fornaciari, had time to exhume only five family members, but found many surprises.During their explorations of the "Renaissance lifestyles of the rich and famous," the colleagues discovered a priceless golden crown, crucifix, and funerary medals in the flood-damaged tomb of Gian Gastone, grand duke of Tuscany. The eccentric end of the Medici family line, Gastone died in 1737.A mid-19th century reburial, after several Medici coffins had been plundered, left behind bronze plaques to denote the location of each body interred beneath the chapel's marble floor, but no specifics as to the type of tombs used. A clumsy anthropological exhumation in 1947 further complicated matters, as did the 1966 flooding of the Arno River, which filled the chapel with five feet of water.Beneath a mysterious circular slab, though, Brier and his colleagues discovered steps that descended into a crypt containing several damaged coffins, including Gastone's.The coffin, with its lid fallen in, initially appeared empty, and Brier returned home, convinced that grave robbers had beaten the team to the site. A more thorough cleaning by his Italian colleagues, however, revealed the grand duke's remains beneath the lid, complete with his precious golden crown, crucifix and medals.The revelations began with the exhumation of Cosimo I, his wife, Eleanora di Toledo, and two of their sons, Giovanni Cardinale and Don Garcia.The 16-year-old, Garcia, was rumored to have slain his 19-year-old brother, Giovanni, after an argument during a hunting trip in 1562. In a rage, Cosimo I then supposedly ran Garcia through with his sword, and Eleanora died less than a week later from a broken heart.But Brier said neither boy bore any marks on the sternum, rib, or vertebrae bones that would suggest foul play. And in an archive, historian Donatella Lippi from the University of Florence found a letter from the Medici family physician, warning of a malaria infestation at the chosen site. A second letter, written by Cosimo himself, describes Giovanni's high fever and death, perhaps hinting at malaria instead of a family cover-up for Cosimo's rage, as had been suggested.A team led by Dr. Arthur Aufderheide, director of the paleobiology laboratory at the University of Minnesota at Duluth School of Medicine, is now testing samples from the boys' vertebrae for DNA evidence of Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite responsible for the deadliest of all forms of malaria.Despite their incredible wealth, the family's bones already have borne the evidence of many health problems: chronic illness throughout Garcia's childhood, a painful condition later in Cosimo's life in which three of his vertebrae fused together, and a severe calcium deficiency for Eleanora."Eleanora may have been literally the wealthiest woman in the world," Brier said, "but her teeth were terrible."Even fame and fortune, it seems, had their limits in the Renaissance.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Marcy's Advice to Novice Porn Actors

A Novice Porn Actor wrote to Marcy: Marcy, you are amazing. By the way, I've begun the initial plans for starring in my own porn flick, which should be realized by the end of summer. I already have to eager female thanks for your encouragement! As always in lust....A Novice Porn Actor

Marcy says to the Novice : If I’m not both inspiration and a caveat bringer then I’m nothing. I want to see your porn video when it's done. But before you go video taping your ass humping up and down, remember the sage words of Sam Kinison:

"Don't ever video tape yourself having sex. You think you look cool, but then when you watch the playback, and you think, "Is my ass really that big?". It ends up looking like Rosanne Barr and Louie Anderson fucking it out on the screen."

But don't let Sam Kinison's ghost stop you from making the best porn video you can be..........marcythewhore

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Jimmy The Back Door Man

Florida State University: Toward a Greater University......This is a public relations film on Florida State University that, in two brief scenes, features a young Jim Morrison years before his more recognized role as lead singer for The Doors.



Back Door Man:

Wha, yeah! C'mon, yeah Yeah, c'mon, yeah Yeah, c'mon Oh, yeah, ma Yeah, I'm a back door man I'm a back door man The men don't know But the little girl understand Hey, all you people that tryin' to sleep I'm out to make it with my midnight dream, yeah 'Cause I'm a back door man The men don't know But the little girls understand All right, yeah You men eat your dinner Eat your pork and beans I eat more chicken Than any man ever seen, yeah, yeah I'm a back door man, wha The men don't know But the little girls understand Well, I'm a back door man I'm a back door man Whoa, baby, I'm a back door man The men don't know But the little girls understand

A Willie Dixon blues song from 1961, it has been covered by John Hammond Jr. and Howlin' Wolf, among others. The Doors decided to cover this after their guitarist, Robbie Krieger, heard John Hammond Jr.'s version.

A "Back Door Man" is a guy who has relations with a woman while her husband has been out slaving away to provide for her. The usual guilty perpetrator if a wife was caught cheating was a regular tradesman caller (Ice Man, Insurance Salesman etc.). He would then run out the back door as the husband entered the front door.

The "Back Door Man" theme has been taken up in several Soul and Blues songs, including "Back Door Santa" by Clarence Carter. (thanks, Gary - Thetford, England, for above 2)
At a show at Winterland in San Francisco, they stopped in the middle of this when their taped performance came on The Jonathan Winters Show. They watched the segment from a TV on stage, picked up their instruments, and finished the song.

In 2000, the surviving members of the Doors taped a VH1 Storytellers episode with guest vocalists filling in for Morrison. Former Cult lead singer Ian Astbury sang on this. He became their new lead singer when Robbie Krieger and Ray Manzarek re-formed The Doors a few years later.

The Doors played a lot of Blues songs in their early days when they were playing clubs, but this is the only one they recorded until 2 years later, when they did "Crawling King Snake" on L.A. Woman.

The Doors performed this at the Isle of Wight Festival in 1970. The Doors didn't play well, as Morrison was worried about his trial resulting from a Miami concert where he exposed himself to the crowd.

The Doors were playing this in New Haven, CT on Dec. 9, 1967 when Jim Morrison was arrested on stage for breech of peace. He was angry about being confronted backstage by police after he was seen in a sexual encounter with a young girl. He went on a tirade against the police and exposed himself on stage, prompting his arrest.

Jim Morrison left out lyrics from the original version about being accused of murder.

Wha, yeah! C'mon, yeah Yeah, c'mon, yeah Yeah, c'mon Oh, yeah, ma Yeah, I'm a back door man I'm a back door man The men don't know But the little girl understand Hey, all you people that tryin' to sleep I'm out to make it with my midnight dream, yeah 'Cause I'm a back door man The men don't know But the little girls understand All right, yeah You men eat your dinner Eat your pork and beans I eat more chicken Than any man ever seen, yeah, yeah I'm a back door man, wha The men don't know But the little girls understand Well, I'm a back door man I'm a back door man Whoa, baby, I'm a back door man The men don't know But the little girls understand

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

"life- don't talk to me about life"

"life- don't talk to me about life"(marvin the paranoid android, from douglas adams' hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy")

Marcy repeats: "It does not require many words to speak the truth. ~ Chief Joseph ~ Nez Perce"

Self-interview with Writer Karey KirkPatrick

28 May 2004 - HHGG Interview with Myself

So we're six weeks into filming HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY and the powers that be (PTB) thought it would be a good idea to kick it off with an interview with me, the screenwriter, since that is, after all, where this incarnation of the film startedSo I decided to interview myself because a) I think I’ll be harder on myself and know what sort of questions an interviewer might ask and b) no one has asked to interview me. And why should they? Who am I? "Not Douglas Adams" is the answer that concerns most people. So with this in mind let’s proceed. Here are some of the questions I imagine most fans of the book (and the radio series and the TV series and the Infocom game) are asking at this point.

WHO THE H*#&! ARE YOU AND WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO MUCK AROUND WITH THIS TREASURED PIECE OF LITERATURE, YOU AMERICAN HOLLYWOOD HACK? Ah. Good one. Yes, I can see why a lot of people might be wondering this. So let’s see… My name’s Karey Kirkpatrick. You can Google or imdb me to find my credits (incidentally, I’m a guy – not the female news anchor in Buffalo, N.Y.) But the short answer is no one has the right to muck around with this treasured piece of literature. I didn’t seek it, it found me. The story goes something like this. Jay Roach was at one point attached to direct the film. He had worked with Douglas for many years on several different drafts of the screenplay, and after Douglas’s sudden and tragic death the project ground to a halt for several months. But Jay, along with Robbie Stamp (an executive producer on the film, longtime friend of Douglas’s and his partner in the Digital Village) felt an obligation to not let the project die, to honor Douglas’s memory, and one day while he was watching CHICKEN RUN (with his sons? I don’t know. In my head, he watches it weekly) he thought “hey that writer seemed to create a feature film that worked as a big studio movie while still keeping an existing and uniquely British sensibility.” (I was an avid Monty Python fan growing up, one of those guys who quoted Holy Grail to the annoyance of all my friends, except of course for those friends with whom I was quoting Monty Python).
So Jay sought me out. When my agent called and asked if I’d ever heard of HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY, I said “yes, heard of it.” But let’s get the first horror out of the way immediately. I had never read the book or any Douglas Adams before I was told of this assignment. Now, some of you may have passed out at this point after shouting “WHAT?!? BLASPHEMY!” at your computer screens, but I’ve come to believe this gave me a huge advantage at approaching the material. I had no preconceived notions in my head. When I was sent a draft of the script (which was the last draft Douglas worked on before his death) I got to read it as what it was; a blueprint for a movie. And without any knowledge of Babelfish and Ultimate Questions and Vogons, I was able to formulate an opinion of where it worked as a feature film and where it needed work. You should know that my first reaction – literally, my very first reaction after putting the script down - was “I can’t write this, this guy’s a genius and I’m no genius.” I thought to myself “there is no way I’m going to try to write words that blend seamlessly with this guy’s words.” It was my Wayne’s World “I’m not worthy” moment. I mean, really, this is a guy who wrote “flying is easy, just throw yourself at the ground and miss.” I’m not sure I could ever write a line like that.

But I wanted to meet Jay Roach. So I took the meeting to discuss the script thinking “maybe he’ll ask me to write Meet the Fockers” (yes, I can be that whorish). I gave Jay some of my thoughts, pointed out some structural and thematic concerns and much to my surprise, he agreed with most of what I was saying. And when I told him of my “I’m not worthy” moment, he said “I think you’re perfect for it and that attitude will probably help you.” And the more we talked about the project, the more excited I became. I mean, how can you not get excited talking about poetry as torture or nuclear missiles that turn into a sperm whale and a bowl of petunias? Assignments like this don’t come along every day. Actually they never come along. So after pitching my ideas to the Disney and Spyglass executives and Robbie, who was there on behalf of Douglas’ Estate, I got the job and started writing in September of 2002.

WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO DECIDE WHAT STAYS AND WHAT GOES, YOU FORMULAIC CHICKEN WRITING BAS%*(&*! Hey, let’s keep it clean. My mother will probably read this. Keep in mind, I started with Douglas’s last draft, so I not only had the new ideas and concepts he had invented specifically for the screenplay (brilliant ideas, too -- truly humbling), but also some evidence of what he was prepared to let go of (and in many cases, I thought he had been too hard on himself and put things back in). To familiarize myself with the material, I thought it best to go back and become acquainted with it in chronological order. It started as a radio play. So I was sent all of the radio plays on CD. I would listen to them in my car, and for those blissful 15 to 20 hours was actually oblivious to the deeply loathed L.A. traffic. It was while listening to those radio plays that I first heard what was actually the opening to “Restaurant at the end of the Universe” which was a guide entry that started “The story so far…” It goes on to summarize what happened in HHGG and I realized that was what the script needed. That one summary expressed some ideas and themes more clearly than the screenplay did. And suddenly, it became clearer to me what the script was missing, and I suddenly had some hope that I might be able to fill in some of the missing pieces. Next, I read the book with pen and highlighter in hand, underlining passages that had been left out that I wanted to try to get back in and making notes on characters and themes that were present in the book but not really playing as well as they could in the screenplay. I was going to watch the TV show, but Jay suggested that I not do that, just so that I wouldn’t have any of those images in my head. The idea was to try to create something rather than re-create (and I don’t think we have the rights to any new material created specifically for the TV show, so for that reason, I never watched it. Do you hear me BBC? I NEVER WATCHED THE TV SERIES). I did, however, buy a book that had the scripts for the radio plays. When I started writing, I had the novel on one side of my G4 laptop and the radio play scripts on the other side. They are both well-worn. I was also given another invaluable piece of source material. Robbie Stamp, who became an integral ally in my writing process on this film as he was able to answer the “what would Douglas have wanted?” questions, forwarded to me electronic copies of HHGG files from Douglas’s hard drive; notes on his drafts, notes from him to the studio, random ideas and bits of dialogue exchanges, etc. Receiving this was a real thrill. I felt like Moses at the burning bush when I opened these files, a sort of “take the sandals off, you’re on holy ground” moment. It also gave me a peek into his process. There were unfinished scenes, character back stories, notes to himself on areas where he was having problems. I loved reading Douglas’s unedited musings and tried to put in as many of them into the screenplay as I could. My goal in the writing was to be like an editor on a feature film. If an editor has done his job well, you don’t feel his or her presence. That was my aim here. I thought, if people read this script – especially people who knew Douglas or knew the material well – and can’t tell the difference between what I created and what Douglas did, then I will have succeeded. I was never trying to put my stamp on this material or bring my “voice” to it (whatever the h*#&! that elusive thing is). I started reading his other works, reading biographies, watching documentaries (graciously sent to me by Joel Greengrass) and I found myself feeling an odd connection to the man I had never met. There were some eerie similarities between us; mutual love of Macs, wannabe rock guitarists, world class procrastinators, avoidance a huge part of the writing process, love of satire, belief that nothing is so sacred it can’t be poked fun at – to name a few. The biggest difference, however, was that Douglas was an amazing conceptual thinker and I tend to be stronger with structure. This, as it turns out, was a stroke of good luck because many of the concepts were already there, they just needed a tighter structure in which to exist and thrive.

SO…WHAT EXACTLY DID YOU CHANGE? MORE IMPORTANTLY, WHAT DID YOU THINK WAS WORTHY ENOUGH TO ADD? That’s a hard question to answer because it depends on if you are comparing the final shooting script to the book or to the screenplay which I inherited from Douglas. If you compare it to the screenplay, then the answer is that I added very little. One of the things I really admire about Douglas is that he was willing to keep HHGG an organic evolving entity. While reading the various drafts and familiarizing myself with the history of HITCHHIKER’S, I noticed that most of the incarnations seemed to contradict themselves. Douglas had a very refreshing lack of faithfulness to himself, so since HHGG was in a constant state of revision by its creator, I felt a certain amount of freedom to continue carrying that torch, mostly with the new concepts, characters and plot devices that Douglas had already created. Naturally, there were holes that needed to be filled so some new material and dialogue was required. But I was always going to the source material to find the right voice and tone.

WAS THIS A TOUGH ADAPTATION? Douglas had a famous quote about deadlines and how he loved the whooshing sound they made as they rushed past. One of my favorite quotes about writing is “I hate writing, I love having written.” This seems to be my mantra, and I have hated, loathed or dreaded writing just about every draft I’ve ever been involved with, mostly because writing is such a lonely and demoralizing process (with the exception of CHICKEN RUN, I did have an unusually good time on that one). And people have said to me, “Wow, adapting HITCHHIKER’S must have been hard.” But I can honestly say I have never enjoyed writing a script more. And it is all because I had such amazing source material (and collaborators). Whenever I would get the least bit hung up on something, I would simply open up one of the books and either find what I was looking for or find the spark of inspiration I needed to create something new. I loved writing this movie, love having written it, and am still loving the writing I am doing today. I finished my first draft just before Christmas 2002. It was 152 pages long. 152 PAGES!?

I played dumb to the studio. ?What? You think that's long? Compared to Lord of the Rings it's a short!? They weren't buying it. So I started the painful process of cutting. And I didn't want to cut any of it. Didn't know what to cut. There is an intelligence at work in these books that I was trying to preserve. Douglas was a great satirist because he possessed a very real understanding of the incredibly heady concepts he was satirizing. In one interview he said that if they had had computers when he was in school and had taught computer science, that’s probably what he would have pursued. He also could have been a theoretical physicist; he was that knowledgeable on the subject. So it was important to me that that intelligence remains at the epicenter of the piece. It’s what I love about Python’s “Life of Brian.” That movie is just a hair’s breadth away from being viable theology. So the goal was to create something that had pace and narrative structure and an emotional storyline that an audience would care about and put all of that in the context of this very intellectual, irreverent, satirical world. Again, I found myself going back to Douglas’s drafts which were much shorter than mine. He cut much more mercilessly than I did, so I felt I had some leeway there. Mostly I had to cut a few of the guide entries with the assurance that they would end up on a DVD someday in the future. And what’s great about the Guide entries is that they are somewhat modular, so final decisions regarding them can be made after filming is complete and the movie is assembled.

WHAT DID YOU DO WHEN JAY ROACH DECIDED NOT TO DIRECT AND WHO THE H*#&! ARE THOSE HAMMER AND TONGS GUYS? I’ll be honest. One of the main reasons I got into the project was to have a chance to work with Jay. Mutual friends had told me we had similar temperaments and sensibilities and that it would be a good match, and they were right. Jay was an invaluable collaborator on the outline and first two drafts. He put in a lot of time with me, and the script wouldn’t be the success it is without his involvement. So I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was feeling a bit gutted when he decided this wasn’t the best film to make his next. But what followed was an interesting process because several names were bandied about and I even met with one of them (and we’re talking A list directors here). And the general sentiment from all of them was “No thank you, I don’t want to be known as the guy who screwed this one up.” And part of me understood and another part of me was saying, “Oh God does that mean I’m going to be known as the guy who screwed this up?” But Jay gave the script to Spike Jonze and Spike said he couldn’t do it but he knew the perfect guys and he suggested Hammer and Tongs. And when I got the call that I was to have a conference call with said Hammer and said Tong, I asked the question everyone seems to be asking – “Who are they and what have they done?” Needless to say, it wasn’t of much comfort to find out they had never directed a feature. And I didn’t get a chance to watch their commercial and music video reel before the call (because my DVD player wouldn’t play UK Region 2, but I digress), but when I heard that they wanted to talk to the writer before talking to anyone else, I thought – hey, these guys are either very cool or very naïve. Don’t they know screenwriters are but a fly on the a**! of this business? Let me just say of my experience with Hammer and Tongs that not since working with Nick Park and Peter Lord at Aardman have I worked with someone with more creative spark and inspiration. Each conversation I had with either of them improved the script in some way. In retrospect, it feels like it was meant to be. I now can’t imagine this movie in anyone else’s hands. I didn’t think anything could inspire me on HITCHHIKER’S more than the source material, and I am happy to say I was wrong. So in May of 2003, Nick Goldsmith and Garth Jennings came on board. I flew to London with Derek Evans from Spyglass to have three days of intense meetings at their office which, as it turned out, was a converted barge sitting in a river somewhere in Islington. They had “some ideas” for the third draft, and I’ll admit at the time I was very apprehensive and guarded. It’s always a bit of a nail biting moment when directors come on board, especially ones from the world of commercials and music video. But their ideas were inspired and showed not only that they were incredible visual thinkers but also had a very strong sense of narrative structure. I left London with an outline and a feeling that the script would improve and the movie was in very good hands. To this day, however, I am embarrassed to say I still don’t know which one is Hammer and which one is Tongs.

QUIT BEING SO VAGUE! GIVE US SPECIFICS, D#&* IT! WHAT’S IN THE MOVIE AND WHAT ISN’T? Sorry to say I will continue to be vague. I really don’t want this to turn into a “what Karey did versus what Douglas did” situation. By Douglas’s own admission, HHGG is a story with a long beginning and then an ending. There isn’t much middle. And movies need a middle. So most of the new material comes in the middle. Douglas created much of it. I took what he did and enhanced, expanded and connected (much like a wonder bra – and this wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been compared that that miraculous contraption). More has been made of the Arthur/Trillian relationship and the Arthur/Trillian/Zaphod triangle. Douglas knew, as I know, that in order to make a feature film bankrolled by an American studio that is to play on the global stage there needs to be a certain amount of attention paid to character, character relationships and emotion. The trick here is doing that while staying true to the spirit of the book, which is what I hope we’ve done. It’s fine if there’s a bit of a love story, it just can’t be sentimental and sappy. But I think people, especially die-hard HHGG fans, will be happy to see that it is very much the same story as the radio play, the book, and the TV series with all the well-known and beloved scenes, characters and concepts. Arthur, Ford, Trillian, Zaphod, Marvin, Eddie, Vogons, Slartibartfast, Deep Thought, Lunkwill & Fook, the mice, whales, petunias, dolphins, 42, even Gag Halfrunt; all present and accounted for.

DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE IN THE MISTER FRIGGIN’ LUCKY CLUB? Yes. Definitely. This was a unique assignment for me because it became more than just a job. Actually, all of them are more than just a job because as one famous quote goes – “writing is easy, you just open a vein and let it pour onto the page.” I always feel I do a bit of that on each project (yes, even “Honey We Shrunk Ourselves” – a small vein maybe, but a vein nonetheless). But this one was different. This became a quest: a quest to do the memory of Douglas Adams proud. And that has been the attitude of essentially every person who has joined this production (except for the accountants who say they want to do the memory of Douglas’s accountants proud, but hey – whatever works). Never before have I been involved with a project where everyone seems to be aiming for a higher cause, which is great because it means egos get checked at the door. Each time the film enjoys some form of success along its way (getting a director, getting the green light, attaching cast, etc.) it is always bitter/sweet because we’re happy to see what was Douglas’s life long hope becoming a reality, but deeply saddened that he can’t be here to enjoy it with us. Before turning in our third draft to the studio, Garth, Nick, Robbie and I gave the script to Douglas’s wife, Jane, and then went over to her house (ironically a five minute walk from the Hammer and Tongs barge) for a chat and, of course, tea (this was England, after all, and whenever two or more people assemble in England, it is national law that tea must be served. I’m from Louisiana and we have a similar law that involves Dr. Pepper and Cheetos). We were so relieved and delighted to hear that she was very happy with the script. She gave us some of her thoughts, but most importantly – her blessing. I think fans will be pleased and I trust new fans will be created in the Summer of 2005.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE LINE FROM THE BOOK? Tough question. So many great ones. Many of my favorites from the book are actually in the prose, like Easter really meaning small and light brown or the passage about “hooloovoos” which are super-intelligent shades of the color blue. How did this guy think up this stuff? Amazing. I read lines like that and I am humbled and awed. Most of my favorite lines of dialogue, however, are said by the Voice of the Guide. I love the passage about Vogon poetry and the Azgoths of Kria and how, during a recitation of a poem from Grunthos the Flatulent, four of his audience died of internal hemorrhaging, and the President of the Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council survived by gnawing one of his own legs off. That just cracks me up every time I read it (and as of this date, it’s still in the movie). I also love the Babel Fish entry and how it proves the non-existence of God and I love all the Oolon Colluphid titles (“Where God Went Wrong,” “Some More of God’s Greatest Mistakes” and “Who Is This God Person Anyway?”). Mostly what I love are Douglas’s subtle word choices. He’s a word smith. There’s a line (I think this one is actually in RESTAURANT AT THE END OF THE UNIVERSE) that talks about someone being “nibbled to death by an okapi.” I crack up every time I hear it. The word “nibbled” is the first thing that gets me, and the fact that it is an okapi doing the nibbling is just icing on the cake. In an HHGG guide entry, there’s a passage about the Vl’hurgs and their commander being “resplendent in his black jeweled battle shorts.” Black jeweled battle shorts? Who thinks up this sort of thing? I love it.

WHAT WAS THE HARDEST PART ABOUT ADAPTING THE SCRIPT? One day, I found myself addressing a note from the studio to “clarify the concept of the infinite improbability drive.” As if it were something that actually existed and thus, needed clarification. And sadder still, I tried to clarify it and soon discovered how little I knew about laws of probability. Actually, Garth and Nick and I spent an entire day sitting poolside at the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles discussing the infinite improbability drive and how to make more sense of it and better use of it as a plot driving device. This was tough because what I always assumed about the I.I.D. was that it was basically a plot contrivance machine. Writers are always struggling with contrived plots, the old “would this really happen?” problem. And I thought this was yet another stroke of brilliance from Douglas to create something that allows a finite probability to become an infinite improbability – all at the touch of a button. It’s a contrivance justifier machine. Each time we tried to clarify the I.I.D, we’d look through the script and say, “It’s in there, isn’t it?” By lunch, we moved from coffee to wine and the I.I.D. concept was gaining clarity. By late afternoon when we moved from wine to more wine, we had deduced that we were, in fact, brilliant and that the script was flawless. So we decided to go with the “less is more” theory and left the script alone. And then we had more wine.

WHAT IS THE STRANGEST NOTE YOU RECEIVED? Garth Jennnings (Hammer? Tongs? Your guess is as good as mine), sent me a note once that said, “When Zaphod first comes out of the temple and is approached by well wishers, the banana alien on the mole-horse needs to replace the multi-headed groupie.” You just don’t get notes like this every day. YOU’VE ESTABLISHED YOU CAN WRITE FOR CHICKENS, BUT CAN YOU WRITE FOR REAL PEOPLE? We’ll see. Fortunately there aren’t many “real people” in this movie. GIVE IT TO US STRAIGHT; IS THE MOVIE IN GOOD HANDS? Yes. Very. From the top down. Everyone has been very supportive. From Nina Jacobson and Dick Cook at Disney to Roger Birnbaum, Jon Glickman, Derek Evans and all the folks at Spyglass – to Jay Roach (now producing) to Robbie to the directors to the crew - everyone is just really excited about how unique and wonderful this film can be. This is one of those rare films where everyone seems to be on the same page. Even the agents! From Douglas’s longtime agent in London, Ed Victor, to his film agent in L.A., Bob Bookman, who have seen this film through many an incarnation. I recently saw Ed at a party and he said to me three simple words which made my day, actually made my last two years. “You nailed it.” I could see the relief in his eyes because people like him have been waiting a long, long time for this to finally come to fruition. ANY LAST WORDS? I’ve recently returned from London where I spent two weeks rehearsing with the actors and making last minute script tweaks (they were so great, so accommodating and so very enthusiastic about the material). I had to return home just before shooting started but have been told the first week was a blazing success. I started knowing little about this wholly remarkable book and have become a devoted fan. In my dreams, everyone will be happy with it. I know this isn’t possible, but I feel really confident about the work we’re all doing. Most importantly, I think Douglas would be pleased. If he isn’t, may I be nibbled to death by an okapi.

Today is a good day to die in a massage parlor

Marcy says: Massage parlors are not just for sex chat. You can die in a massage parlor if you are not careful with your Happy Endings........marcythewhore

The Zen Librarian said to a patron: "If you bring back this book after its due date, you will be fined. If you do not bring back the book after its due date, you will be fined." The patron was instantly enlightened.

Voices of the past speak Terri Jean

Lessons of Worship"The Indian loved to worship. From birth to death he revered his surroundings. He considered himself born in the luxurious lap of Mother Earth and no place to him was humble." ~ Luther Standing Bear ~ Oglala Sioux, 1868-1937

"Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view,and Demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble deathsong for the day when you go over the great divide. Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and bow to none..." ~ Tecumseh ~ Shawnee, 1768 - 1813

"The Great Spirit will not punish us for what we do not know."~ Red Jacket ~

"The Great Spirit is in all things, he is in the air we breathe. The Great Spirit is our Father, but the Earth is our Mother. She nourishes us, that which we put into the ground she returns to us..." ~ Big Thunder (Bedagi) ~ Wabanaki Algonquin

"From Wakan-Tanka, the Great Mystery, comes all power. It is from Wakan-Tanka that the holy man has wisdom and the power to heal and make holy charms. Man knows that all healing plants are given by Wakan-Tanka, therefore they are holy. So too is the buffalo holy,because it is the gift of Wakan-Tanka." ~ Flat-Iron ~

"All things are the works of the Great Spirit. We should know that He is within all things: the trees, the grasses, the rivers, the mountains, and all the four legged-animals, and the winged peoples; and even more important, we should understand that He is alsoabove all these things and peoples. ~ Black Elk ~ Oglala Sioux

Lessons of the Earth"Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children." ~ Ancient Indian Proverb ~

"We are part of the Earth, and the Earth a part of us." ~ Seattle ~

Lessons of Tradition" Out of the Indian approach to life there came a great freedom,an intense and absorbing respect for life, enriching faith in a Supreme Power, and principles of truth, honesty, generosity, equity, and brotherhood as a guide to mundane relations."~ Luther Standing Bear ~ Oglala Sioux, 1868-1937

" ... everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence." ~ Mourning Dove ~ Salish 1888-1936

Lessons on Life"What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset." ~ Crowfoot ~ Blackfoot warrior and orator

"While living I want to live well. I know I have to die sometime, but even if the heavens were to fall on me I want to do what is right..."~ Goyathlay (Geronimo) ~ Apache Medicine Man and War Chief, 1829 - 1909

"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together... All things connect." ~ Chief Seattle ~
"When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies in yourself." ~ Tecumseh ~

"The path of glory is rough and many gloomy hours obscure it. Maythe Great Spirit shed light on yours." ~ Black Hawk ~ 1833

General Advice"If a man loses anything and goes back and looks carefully for it he will find it..." ~ Sitting Bull ~

"Even as you desire good treatment, so render it."~ Handsome Lake ~

"To clothe a man falsely is only to distress his spirit..."~ Standing Bear ~

Do right always. It will give you satisfaction in life."~ Wovoka ~ 1889

"Whatever the gains, whatever the loss, they are yours."~ Five Wounds ~

"Neither anger nor fear shall find lodging in your mind."~ Dekanawidah ~

Lessons on Death"When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home."~ Chief Aupumut, Mohican. 1725

"Hoka hey! Follow me! Follow me! Today is a good day to fight, today is a good day to die!" ~ Crazy Horse ~ Oglala Sioux, is said to have yelled as he rode into battle at Rosebud in June 1876

"Do not grieve. Misfourtunes will happen to the wisest and best of men. Death will come and always out of season. It is the command of the Great Spirit, and all nations and people must obey. What is past and cannot be prevented should not be grived for... Misfoutunesdo not flourish particularly in our path. They grow everywhere."~ Big Elk~ chief of the Omahas, delivered a funeral oration, June 14th 1815, at a great council at Portage des Sioux, when death took one of his Indian leaders, Black Buffalo

Lessons of Truth"Good words do not last long unless they amount to something." ~ Chief Joseph ~ Nez Perce

"I have always taught you that a liar is not worthy of being considered a man..." ~ Stung Arm ~

"To the Indian, words that are true sink deep into his heartwhere they remain; he never forgets them." ~ Four Guns ~

It does not require many words to speak the truth. ~ Chief Joseph ~ Nez Perce

Friday, March 04, 2005

Preparing for the weekend with a blog about a blow job

Marcythewhore says: I know of no better way to wish everyone a good weekend than to share someone's blog about giving her husband a blowjob while he watches a baseball game....marcythewhore

Friday, March 04, 2005

3-B Night
PC loves baseball. He has one particular team that he loves more than most. They have done much better in recent years than they have done in the past but they still have not come home with the title.PC also loves beer. He drinks beer pretty much every single day. I tease him because when I met him, he was not as financially stable as we are now and he has since become sort of a beer snob. Coors Regular longneck ONLY. He only buys it at one store in town because they have made an agreement with him that they will carry it for him and never, ever leave it out of the freezer compartment (something about Coors being brewed cold so it has to remain cold or it goes bad... whatever).And I love to experiment.I decided to put all 3 "loves" together and have some fun. Took PC into our bedroom, locked the door. I had the TV already on to his game. Cold beer sitting on the nightstand. I sat him down on the edge of the bed and opened the front of his jeans. He was startled, shocked, but had a huge grin on his face.So, while watching his Baseball, drinking his cold Beer, I gave PC a Blowjob. Hard to keep his mind on just one at at time... but he managed...Good memories.

posted by Satisfied Spouse at 8:39 AM

Terry Schiavo and the Pope Get A Free Massage and a Diaper Change………

Marcythewhore says: A while back I wrote that Terry Schiavo and the Pope could come into one of my massage parlors for a free Happy Ending. But let’s be real, when one is comatose, one is only having nightmares. Happy Endings don’t count in the real world. A nurse wrote to me describing what it is like to care for a comatose patient. Read it and weep. Read especially the part where the only person who changes the comatose person’s diapers was the nurse, not the so-called grieving family.

Yes, if Terry Schiavo’s so-called grieving parents want to bring her into my massage parlor, I’ll see to it that her diapers are changed. Cause a Happy Ending is no longer on Terry Schiavo’s list of things to do in this life….er….if you can call it a life anymore.

Same goes for the Pope. Time to step down your Pontiff. Reality is reality……….marcythewhore

An email from a nurse:

In every instance, but one, the family was so convinced that their loved one was responding to them.
Sort of like those situations where a nonspeaking child gives it's mother (or father) long messages of truth and understanding. Funny, but I thought it wasn't saying anything, not even making a sound. I stay away from such people. And there are a lot of them.
Like the 19 year old who survived a cardiac arrest, but lived in a vegetative state for the next 5 years. I took care of this lad most of that time. I saw the changes in his family. What happened could be the start of a very long story. Well... It WAS a very long story. Too long, if you ask me.
Yes, he had seizures. Oh they were doozies. Nothing subtle at all. No he didn't breath on his own, nor did he feed himself. He didn't do anything.
Oh... begging pardon.... He stared. All day. And when he didn't stare, he blinked. A lot.
He shit. He pissed. He sweat. All of those things I was there for. Not Mom, Dad, or little Bro.
He was a human-sized doll baby, and I fed him, bathed him, dressed him.
You know... If I didn't do that, who would? Mommy? Daddy? Bruddy? Oh heavens no!
And when he coded for about the 11th time, and the mother screamed, ranted, threatened direst threats if he didn't survive, it was finally over.
I'm sure no lawyer in this land could not say that everything had not been done. By that time, no one cared, except that it was finally over.
Over, that is until the next one like him.
Of which, I might add, Terry Schiavo and her family are very much alike.
Does Terry Dream? I would venture to say that TS hasn't got two neurons to talk to one another in over a decade.
Poor Terry.

Warm and Fuzzy Martha Stewart My Ass…..

Marcy says: Last night the talking head on CNN complained that Martha Stewart did not have a warm and fuzzy image.

Gee, like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Jackson and Dick Cheney are so warm and fuzzy image?

Okay, patriarchal boys that you are, get over the notion that a gal needs to be warm and fuzzy to make lots of money and accumulate loads of power.

When you walk into a K-Mart or Wal-Mart, what’s that sound you hear? Why, it’s ‘Slave Labor!’ That’s what you hear in your subconscious little bitty mind. It’s what makes you buy Nikes and plastic gadgets at cut-rate prices. Yes, your shoes were made by the hands of little urchins in brownlands across the ocean. Name for me one time in history when slave labor didn’t keep the gears greased

Martha, that warm and fuzzy shit, don’t let the patriarchs push that down our throats too much longer.

Sure, they black balled you once (though while you were in jail you made 200 million and lost twenty pounds, honey). And you have just a little more time with the ankle bracelet. Fine and dandy. A lesson learned how to deal with the boys.

If the boys want warm and fuzzy, there are gay bars (though let’s be honest, the Happy Ending gays of the world aren’t buying that warn and fuzzy image bullshit either).............Marcythewhore

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Dr. Fleon Sunoco

"The first story Trout had to rewrite after the timequake zapped him back to 1991, he told me, was called 'Dog's Breakfast'. It was about a mad scientist named Fleon Sunoco, who was doing research at the National Institute of Health in Bethseba, Maryland. Dr. Sunoco believed really smart people had little radio receivers in their heads, and were getting their bright ideas from somewhere else.

'The smarties had to be getting outside help,' Trout said to me at Xanadu. While impersonating the mad Sunoco, Trout himself seemed convinced that there was a great big computer somewhere, which by means of radio, had told Pythagoras about right triangles, and Newton about gravity, and Darwin about evolution, and Pasteur about germs, and Einstein about relativity, and on and on."

'That computer, wherever it is, whatever it is, while pretending to help us, may actually be trying to kill us dummies with too much to think about,' said Kilgore Trout...

"For the record: Dr. Fleon Sunoco at the NIH, who is independantly rich, hires grave robbers to bring him the brains of deceased memebers of Mensa, a nationwide club for persons with high Intelligence Quotas, or IQs, as determined by standardized tests of verbal and nonverbal skills, tests which put the testees against the Joe and Jane Sixpacks..."

His ghouls also bring him brains of people who died in really stupid accidents, crossing busy streets against the light, starting charcoal fires at cookouts with gasoline, and so on, for comparison. So as not to arouse suspiscion, they deliver the fresh brains one at a time in buckets stolen from a nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise. Needless to say, Sunoco's supervisors have no idea what he's really doing when he works late night after night.

"They do notice how much he liked fried chicken, aparently, ordering it by the bucket, and that he never offers anyody else some...

"At night, though, with nobody around, he slices up high-IQ brains, looking for little radios. He doesn't think Mensa members had them inserted surgically. He thinks they were born with them, so the receivers have to be made of meat. Sunoco has written in his secret journal: 'There is no way an unassisted human brain, which is nothing more than a dog's breakfast, three and a half pounds of blood-soaked sponge, could have written 'Stardust', let alone Beethoven's Ninth Symphony."

-Kurt Vonnegut, Jr, from Timquake

Serge the Russian Mafiya Boss Yells at German Toilet Ghosts.......

Marcythewhore says: Serge Guggha is a Russian. From the Red Mafiya. More to the point, he is probably the meanest Russian Mafiyoso in Chicago today. He is what is called a Vvor v Zakone.

Vor v Zakone means Thief of Thieves.

It used to be around Chicago it was enough to know Italian. You know, Capo Di Tutti Capi, Boss of Bosses. Now we have Vor v Zakone, Thieve of Thieves.

Everywhere you look anywhere near a massage parlor and you see Russian vors. Vors are thieves. Like Mafioso are Mafioso. Vors are thieves. Then you have the Vor v Zakone, the Boss of Thieves.

It’s no longer sufficient just to know Italian anymore.

Serge is a Russian Mafiya boss around here. He doesn’t like Germans. I don’t know what it is with the Russians and Germans ever since Stalin was around. Russians and Germans just can’t seem to play well together.

Whenever Serge Guggah sees a German pedestrian, in a slightly broken Russian accent Serge yells Germanic insults at the passing Kraut, "Stehpinkeln!” Which means "to pee standing up." Then Sergee calls the German a “Sitzpinkle,” which means ‘Wimp.’

Being a little confused about Serge Guggah's behavior toward German pedestrians on the streets of Chicago, I asked Serge what all this "Stehpinkeln" and "Sitzpinkle" talk was all about.

Serge explained to me that it is about German toilet ghosts that talk. That in Germany they have ghosts in talking toilets that tell a guy how to pee.

I said, "Oh," then I asked Serge if he could bring me something about this German talking toilet thing the next time he comes into my massage parlor for a Happy Ending rub down.

Serge brought me this about German talking toilets: "German men were being admonished to pee sitting down by a gadget called the Water Closet ghost; when the device detects a lifted toilet seat, it says, in German: "Hey, stand peeing ("Stehpinkeln") is not allowed here and will be punished with fines, so if you don't want any trouble, you'd best sit down." It was reported that the term for a man who pees sitting down, "Sitzpinkler," is a synonym for "wimp."

With that cleared up, next I want to talk about Fingerspitzengefuhl. I want to ask each of you if you are a Fingerspitzengefuhl.

And I borrowed a quote from someone, I think this quote is appropriate for the current discussion: "An intellectual is a person who's found one thing that's moreinteresting than sex." - Aldous Huxley

PS....I have it on the strictest confidence that Ernest Hemingway never shot anyone but himself...whereas Hunter Thompson at least accidentally shot one other person before shooting himself......marcythewhore

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Marcy Gets Busted for Massaging an ET…

Looky here, I’ve been running a chain of massage parlors in Chicago long enough to know how to deal with the Chicago police.

Why, my great grandma was giving massages to Frank Nitti and the Capone brothers. My grandma gave massages to Paul ‘The Waiter’ Ricca, Tony Accardo and Sam Giancana. My mother, god rest her soul she dearly departed early, she became a nun and gave massages to the Irish priests in Chicago.

I know what to do when a vice cop comes into one of my massage parlors for a shake down. You do what every good business woman in Chicago does when a vice cop comes in with a story, you give him a hundred dollars and your compliments to the chief. It’s been that way in Chicago since the day Hymie Weiss got Tommy Gun mowed down while walking out of his neighborhood Catholic Church.

But yesterday when the vice sergeant came in with a cock-and-bull story so he could get an extra hundred shakedown, well, it wasn’t so much the extra hundred. Times are tough in the Chicago P.D. I know that. It’s when the vice cops come in with a story so bullshit that it makes me feel as though they have no respect for the intelligence of massage parlor owners anymore.

The sergeant said that I was guilty of giving a massage to an Extra Terrestrial.

I said, “What’s’at you say?!”

He repeats himself all high minded like, “You gave a massage to Joe Schmoe yesterday, and we have it on file that Joe Schmoe is an Extra Terrestrial.”

I says, “You say what?”

Now, Joe Schmoe ain’t my customer’s real name. But I am dedicated to the principle of protecting my clientele’s identity. But let me tell you this, if Joe Schmoe is an E.T., he ain’t been home for a long, long time. Cause Joe has been coming into my massage parlor for years for a massage and Happy Ending. Now the vice sergeant is telling me that Joe Schmoe is from far off planet where Captain Kirk once visited and that I’m going to get a fine and possible prison time for giving an ET a massage.

“Okay, fine!” I says to the vice sergeant. “So, what! Let’s just say for the sake of argument that Joe is an ET.” And I’m already going into my safe to get the extra hundred out so I can make this bullshit story and the sergeant go away. “What’s the big deal that I can’t give an ET a massage, anyways?”

The sergeant of vice looks at me all confident and supreme like when he informs me, “You have violated the Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Act.” And he hands me a card like he was telling me that I don’t have to say anything without a lawyer, except the card is telling me what the ET Exposure Act is:

On 16 July 1969, a United States law was passed called the "Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law" that made it illegal for the public to come in contact with extra-terrestrials or their vehicles. (Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations). Anyone found guilty of such contact could face up to one year imprisonment as well as a fine of $5000.

I read this bullshit law and says to the vice sergeant, “This is the Patriot Act before there was a Patriot Act!”

He says back to me, “The law’s the law, ya know, Marcy.”

I say, “Is this going to cost me more than a hundred to make this go away….and am I going to have to charge Joe Schmoe an extra hundred every time he comes in for a Happy Ending?”

“A hundred will do for now, Marcy,” the vice sergeant says to me, patting me on the shoulder like he was the school principle and I’d just learned a valuable lesson. “We’ll see what we can do about getting Joe Schmoe a green card so that he’s not longer an illegal alien in town, and he can come get a Happy Ending for the same flat fee.”

I say, “Why, thank you, officer. And next time you got an outer space story to tell, why, you just make sure that Sigourney Weaver is in the story somewhere. I do like her acting.”…………………….marcythewhore

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Blue Oyster Cult Cowbell Melody

"In Memoriam: Gene Frenkle: 1950-2000"

Marcythewhore says: Either plug in your earphone or put on your reading glasses. You got the cowbell coming to you one way or the other….marcythewhore

Behind The Music: Blue Oyster Cult

Bruce Dickinson.....Christopher Walken

Eric Bloom.....Chris Parnell

Buck Dharma.....Horatio SanzAlan.....

Chris KattanBobby.....Jimmy Fallon

Gene Frenkle.....Will Ferrell

Announcer: After a series of staggering defeats, Blue Oyster Cult assembled in the recording studio in late 1976 for a session with famed producer Bruce Dickinson. And, luckily for us, the cameras were rolling.

Bruce Dickinson: Alright, guys, I think we're ready to lay this first track down. By the way, my name is Bruce Dickinson. Yes, the Bruce Dickinson. And I gotta tell you: fellas.. you have got what appears to be a dynamite sound!

Eric Bloom: Coming from you, Bruce, that means a lot.

Buck Dharma: Yeah. I mean, you're Bruce Dickinson!

Alan: It's incredible!Bobby: I can't believe Bruce Dickinson digs our sound!

Bruce Dickinson: Easy, guys.. I put my pants on just like the rest of you - one leg at a time. Except, once my pants are on, I make gold records. [ the group laughs ] Alright, here we go. "Don't Fear the Reaper" - take one. [ exits into the control booth ][ the group begins the song. Bobby slaps the drums, Eric jams his guitar, and Gene bangs on a cowbell. ]

Eric: [ distracted by Gene banging the cowbell ] Okay! Wait! Wait! [ the group cuts off their instruments ] Bruce, could you come in here for a minute, please?

Bruce Dickinson: [ stepping out of the booth ] That was gonna be a great track. Guys, what's the deal?Eric: Are you sure that was sounding okay?Bruce Dickinson: I'll be honest.. fellas, it was sounding great. But.. I could've used a little more cowbell. So.. let's take it again.. and, Gene.

Gene Frenkle: Yeah?

Bruce Dickinson: Really explore the studio space this time. I mean, really.. explore the space. I like what I'm hearing.[ the group starts the song again, as Gene bangs more wildly onto the cowbell while dancing crazily. In the booth, Walken is smiling to keep from laughing. Before the session is interrupted, Frenkle misses a beat on his cowbell.]

Eric: Okay, wait! Stop! I'm sorry. Bruce, could you come back in here, please?

Bruce Dickinson: [ stepping out of the booth ] Fellas.. now, we just wasted two good tracks! That last one was even better than the first!

Eric: Well, it's just that I find Gene's cowbell playing distracting! If I'm the only one, I'll shut up.

Buck Dharma: It was pretty rough..

Gene Frenkle: You know, I could pull back a little. If you'd like.

Bruce Dickinson: Not too much, though! Fellas, I'm telling you - you're gonna want that cowbell on the track!

Gene Frenkle: You know what? It's fine. Let's just do this thing.[ the band starts the song once more, with Gene banging the cowbell right next to Eric's ear until Eric pushes him, causing Horatio Sanz to fall ]Eric: [ stopping the song again, fighting Gene ] Come on, people!

Bruce Dickinson: [ running out of the booth again ] That.. that doesn't work for me. I gotta have more cowbell!

Alan: [ grabs Gene's shirt ] Don't blow this for us, Gene!

Bobby: [ cracks up ] Yeah, quit being so selfish, Gene!

Gene Frenkle: Can I just say one thing?

Bruce Dickinson: Say it, baby. Say it.

Gene Frenkle: I'm standing here, staring at Bruce Dickinson!Bruce Dickinson: The cock of the walk, baby!

Gene Frenkle: And if Bruce Dickinson wants more cowbell, we should probably give him more cowbell!

Bruce Dickinson: Say it, baby!

Gene Frenkle: And, Bobby, you are right - I am being selfish. But the last time I checked, we don't have a whole lot of songs that feature the cowbell.

Bruce Dickinson: I gotta have more cowbell, baby!

Gene Frenkle: ..and I'll be doing myself a disservice -- [begins to slightly laugh. Jimmy Fallon turns away and bites down on his drumstick to keep from laughing] -- and every member in this band, if I don't perform the hell out of this.

Bruce Dickinson: Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more cowbell!

Gene Frenkle: Thanks, Bruce. But I think, maybe if I just leave.. and, maybe I'll come back later, and we can lay down the cowbell. [ starts to leave the studio ]

Bruce Dickinson: Aw, baby..Eric: Gene, wait! Why don't you lay down that cowbell right now. With us. Together.[ everyone agrees ]

Gene Frenkle: Do you mean that, Eric?

Buck Dharma: He speaks for all of us.

Gene Frenkle: Thank you.

Bruce Dickinson: Babies.. before we're done here.. y'all be wearing gold-plated diapers.

Alan: [ confused ] What does that mean?

Bruce Dickinson: Never question Bruce Dickinson! Roll it! [ exits back to booth ]

Eric: [ ready to lay the complete track down ] 1, 2, 3, 4.[ the band starts up again, this time Frenkle is playing the cowbell in tune with the band. Close-up on Gene as he bangs the cowbell to freeze-frame with graphic: "In Memoriam: Gene Frenkle: 1950-2000" ]